I guess confessing to him would be a nice start...

There's the butterflies... I can tell trying to do this in my nightmare form is gonna hurt like a bitch, but that's just how it is.

Pulling the headphones out and myself as well, Charlie looks up at me. "That was quick." He said.

"Charlie, I came to a decision..." I told him.

"Yeah?" He goes to sit up and the door to his room opens.

I freak out a bit and it takes me a second to remember how to go invisible, but when I do it's pretty much too late.

Chastopher peeks his head in right as I manage to figure myself out and he yelps, not sure what he saw.

Charlie also yelps, flipping around to look at Chastopher. "What are you doing, lil doc?" He said, startled.

Chastopher reappeared around the door. "The fuck was that?"

"Was what?" Charlie asked.

"You... you didn't see it?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" He said, false confusion playing on his face.

"Ah.... Uh...." he comes into the room and looks around. "Hey, what's the background on this place?" Chastopher asked.

"I don't know, it was just a cheap place I found to stay in, why?"

"You think anyone got murdered here?"

"What the fuck, no! They would've said something if that was the case! What are you asking, Chass?" He said.

I thank the lord for Charlie's acting skills, as they are saving my life right now.

"I swear to god, and don't freak out, but when I came in here there was a ghost in the corner over there, like, I'm not shitting you." He said.

"Is this just a scheme to bother me while I'm studying?" Charlie smiles, raising one eyebrow.

"I SAW IT IM NOT KIDDING." Chastopher said.

"Dude. Your delusional. What do you want." Charlie said.

Chastopher Shakes his head a bit and rubs his face. "Sorry, I haven't been getting much sleep." He said.

"Why not?"

"I miss mom and dad..." he said.

Charlie instantly went sympathetic. "aw, buddy..." he said softly. He patted the seat next to him. "Come here."

Chastopher sits next to his brother and leans on him. "I just don't understand... they just... left..."

"It's shitty, I know, I don't understand it either..."

"Why would they just take off like that? And not say where they were going? It makes me think there's more to this whole thing than we're being told..."

"Don't start conspiring against them, I'm sure it was just a spontaneous decision they decided to go for. It wasn't our fault, nor anyone else's. Just mom and dad making spir of the moment decisions that lead to something... we just can't explain. All our lives they've talked about visiting exotic places when we were in college. They must've just decided they were sick of waiting for us and took off early. That's all." Charlie told him. "Have you tried to call?"

"I did... dad picked up, but he didn't give me any information on where he was or where he was going... they sounded happy though. Dad said he scored a school nursing job, but again, didn't say were." He said.

"Well that's good that he picked up... so you can call and talk to them if you miss them."

"But I want to see them..."

"At this point, that's not a possibility..." Charlie said.

Chastopher nodded. "Sorry for interrupting your study time."

"It's okay buddy. Just try to knock next time. You startled me." He chuckles.

Chastopher hugs him and leaves, shutting the door.

I appear to just Charlie, not as nice as being material, but it's safer in case Chastopher comes back in.

"Holy shit you're a fantastic actor..." I told him.

"I was a drama boy in high school. Sorry about the interruption, Cooth. Go ahead."

I can feel the cramps coming on. "You asked me if it was what I wanted, getting closer..." I said.

"Have you come to a conclusion?" He asked.

I nodded, the cramps getting more prominent. "And I... I kinda do..."

"Like what?"

And there's the peak of pain. I grip my stomach and breathe. "Sorry, hold on... it's painful..."

"Breathe, Cooth."

"I don't know if that's helpful..." I said. I don't normally have to breathe for anything but expressing myself. "But I'll try..." I take a couple breaths and find it does help a bit. "I wanna imprint..." he said.

Charlie blushes a bit. "Like... what the book said?"

"Yeah... I wanna experiment on what it might mean by... possibly getting closer..." I said. For some reason, the cramps began to subside. Am I getting my color?? I look at my arms, but it's nothing different.

"And you said imprintation makes it so you can take control whenever you want?"

I nod. "It's a huge trust building thing." I said. I sat next to him, but faced him. "Is that okay with you?"

He thought for a moment. "Well.... Let's first... figure out how to get there, and then when we do get there, we'll lay down some rules. Okay?" Charlie said.

He was accepting it? "Wait, do you do wanna possibly get closer?" I asked.

Charlie grins. "It will be fun~" he said. "So... yes!" He said.

I can feel the fire around my body, the shadowy essence that usually surrounds me begin to flair up and I feel my cheeks get hot. "Uh..." I can't think right now. Not only do I have a friend, I have a best friend. And not only that anymore, I have a boyfriend.

I am actually feeling good about myself.

I'm not alone anymore...

The Sorry Tale Of Nightmare CoothWhere stories live. Discover now