"I apologise if we... interrupted." Father said with a tone of attentiveness in his voice.

"There's nothing to apologise for... I wasn't getting anywhere with matters here anyway." Came Kazuki's oblique response.

"Right... well... I just needed a moment with your mother actually."

"She's currently—" He glanced over his shoulder to the closed door. "— preoccupied."

"Your father?"


"Oh... well it seems you're my last resort."

"Seems so."

"I wanted to re-confirm my daughter's stay here in this household... but if it's inconvenient, I'm sure I can organise arrangement elsewhere­—" Father's gaze turned briefly down to Iliana. "... I cannot have the both of us take rest at the hospital."

"My mother had already agreed for her to stay here until your... situation has resolved. I do however hold a little concern regarding the potential reaction when your wife discovers our involvement... we're not exactly on friendly terms, as I'm sure you're aware of!"

A matter Iliana had only thought about earlier when Mrs. Williams mentioned it. From the look on Father's face, it seemed he too had given no thought about it either.

"We'll... resolve that issue when the time comes." Came his response after a pause for thought. "As the topic has arisen... I'd like you to know, I've never held such ill judgements of you and your parents and after your kind hospitality, nor will I ever."

"My parents will appreciate your words Mr. D'coye—" Kazuki's response was broken short by a buzzing noise. He immediately reached a hand into his dark jean's pocket and took out his mobile. "I must take this... excuse me."

Iliana heard Kazuki mutter Father Benjamin's name as he turned his back to them. Her attention reverted back to her father when he gently laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Blossom... I decided to take half the day off to watch over the start of the reconstruction on the house. Mrs. Dancey has kindly offered to help in our situation, she'll hopefully join me later this morning while I go back to the hospital to see how your mother is doing. The hospital is as crazy as ever... it feels like we have half of Bayle City under this... strange condition and the staff there are struggling. But I can take the whole day off and be with you in the afternoon."

As much as Iliana wanted to be in the company of her father, there were many other people out there who were in direr need for Father.

"The hospital needs you but you have to promise me, you won't overwork yourself. Think of patient safety as well as your own health Father."

Father chuckled as he playfully pinched Iliana's cheek. "As you say mother."

Iliana giggled as she turned her face away... her smile faded when she found Kazuki's eyes on her.

"Father Benjamin would like to personally wish you... gracious words as soon as it is convenient for you."

Iliana realised Kazuki's utterance was an oblique allusion to the Unknown World.

Father glanced down at his watch. "It's barely six in the morning!"

"He's always available for anyone at their darkest times of need." He replied casually.

"I didn't realise religious belief was so... popular in your age group!" Father remarked almost cautiously.

Iliana's parents had never believed in any form of religious culture, and although they distinctly frowned upon it, they somehow respected her study on the subject.

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