Chapter 18

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"I would've come to see you sooner." Father said releasing Iliana from their embrace. "By the time I finished operating on your mother and saw the state of the house, it was late... I'm sorry... I am so sorry... please forgive me!"

She looked up at Father, tears escaped from his pale eyes but she couldn't determine if it was due to sadness or anger.

"You've nothing to apologise for!" She remarked wiping away her own tears with the sleeves of the light cardigan Mrs. Dancey had provided her, along with the pair of jeans and the blue lace top.

"I should've been there for you and your mother... I should've—"

Iliana held Father's hand firmly in hers, "You were with us both..." She placed a hand above her heart. "... in here, as you are always. Please don't ever blame yourself Father."

It was his words and the promise she'd made with him, which helped her break free from the darkness forced upon her. And she was more than thankful for it... if only she could tell him the truth.

"How is Mother?"

Father sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "She has been stitched and under a term of antibiotics... she's in recovery at present, but hasn't woken up yet." He sighed in annoyance. "If only the hospital wasn't so busy and short staffed... I could've spent more time at home, and I would've realised the water pipes were unfit and unsafe... your mother wouldn't have been attacked and... Yuki wouldn't be­—"

Father's words faded into another large quivering intake of the fresh air, and a sharp exhalation... Iliana felt his inner suffering. The 'if only's' or 'should/could have's' were the worst mental tortures one could experience and the hardest for the mind to forsake.

"Father..." It took a moment for Iliana to conjure succoured words, as she too was struggling to find alleviation. In her attempt to act strong, her voice quivered as she continued. "We can overcome this... terrible time. No matter how slow, let's move forward together... Yuki would agree to that too, I'm sure of it."

Father looked deeply into her eyes with his own glazed with tears. He placed a hand over her cheek. "You once asked... why you weren't as strong as me... do you know why?"

Iliana shook her head, whilst struggling to prevent anymore tears from overflowing from her already sore eyes.

"Because you're far stronger than I could ever be." He smiled proudly. "Yuki would definitely agree to that."

The sound of a door bashing closed soon ripped Iliana's attention to the hallway beyond the open front door behind her. Kazuki's voice calling out for his mother and continuous banging soon followed.

"I hope we're not the reason to their quarrel." Father said.

"I don't believe we are."

Iliana overheard the conversation Kazuki had with his Mother on her way down the stairs. Kazuki's response to his mother's probing enquiry regarding his movements in life was inspiring. It was hard to keep the life of a Purifier discreet under the eyes of parents however, the intrusion of her ears clearly went too far when she heard Mrs. Williams' confess Beach Cove was illegitimately not under their name.

"Well... I suppose that's a good thing, as I'd like to talk to them." Father responded.

The banging noises ceased as they both made their way through the house. They found Kazuki leaning forwards with his forearms up against the closed double doors, and his forehead resting on the wooden oak. The desperation seething from him fluttered compassion within Iliana. She watched as he clenched his fists so tightly, they shook as his knuckles whitened. Kazuki peeled himself from the door. He straightened his posture and regained his usual impassive expression, when he turned and faced Iliana and her father.

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