EPISODE 3: A Different Home? (Part IV)

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[I told you I'd update ASAP!



HALILINTAR: (reaches his arms, screaming) COME HERE, YOU!!!

JOKERTU: (feigns fear) Oh...! Oh dear...!

HALILINTAR: (about to attack) Thunder...!!!

JOKERTU: (mumbles) You wouldn't want to hit mummy and daddy, would you...?

HALILINTAR: (doesn't notice what he said) ...Spear!!!

   (Another bright flash of light bursts in between Jokertu and BoBoiBoy. The moment it fades, two people begin to come in the middle of them. A couple, both tied, staring into BoBoiBoy's eyes with both fear and concern. The woman suddenly whimpers...)

???: Son...?

HALILINTAR: (abruptly frightened) MOM?!]


   (The scenario with BoBoiBoy Halilintar almost spearing his own parents whilst jumping on a roof suddenly freezes the exact moment the blade threatens to pierce his mother's neck. Halilintar's expression can be seen as shock while to his parents, fear.)

FANG: (enters the scene, running and panting) What did I miss...?

JOKERTU: (laughs from above the roof with Halilintar and his parents still frozen in the spot) This is amazing! I can do almost anything with this sceptre of yours, Jokerwan! I can use BoBoiBoy's beloved parents as a shield whenever I want...AND I can freeze BoBoiBoy whenever I want!

JOKERTU: (sneers in front of Halilintar's frozen face) This sceptre can make all types of illusions and tricks. It even has the ability to stop time when I want it...Thanks to the little girl inside...(rattles the sceptre to reveal Ying's slight figure)

YING: (dizzy from the shaking) Hey...!

JOKERTU: Plus, I can do...this! (pokes Halilintar's forehead) Boop!

   (At his touch, BoBoiBoy begins to turn back to his normal self midair. His parents vanish before his eyes and back into the magic of the sceptre. BoBoiBoy, still suspended in the sky from the leap, begins to unfreeze, only to result one thing...)

BOBOIBOY: (back to normal)(looks down) Huh? (starts falling) Woaahh...!!!

YAYA: Gravitational Lift!

   (She summons a pink ball of energy, surrounding BoBoiBoy, allowing him to float inches before hitting the ground. He carefully gets laid down vertically into the road until he crashes to sit.)

YAYA: (rushes in) BoBoiBoy, what just happened up there?

BOBOIBOY: (looks up at her) Nothing...I just— I thought I saw...Mom and Dad.

JOKERWAN: (interrupts from afar) Nope! I saw it too, you know!

BOBOIBOY: (from looking at Jokerwan, looks at Yaya again) Thanks, I owe you one.

YAYA: (smiles) You don't have to.

OCHOBOT: (runs in with the others) What happened...?

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