Jimin: *smiles* So much better.

Q: To Hoseok: Since you study stars and planets, were you the one to come up with their names? If so, what inspired you to come up with Uranus?

Hoseok: *face palms* No comment.

Q: To Yoongi: What was the hardest part about being one of the royal guards? What was the best part?

Yoongi: The hardest part was keeping my mouth shut when the Pharaoh scolded me...The best part was being able to protect Y/n.

Q: To Jimin: What does death feel like? Did the stars really tell you about Y/n's story? How much did they tell you?

Jimin: Oddly....peaceful......They didn't exactly tell me her story, but they did say that it was going to be a beautiful one.

Q: To Namjoon: I haven't seen you in a while, but where are you and what were you doing in those days?

Namjoon: My job.

Q: To Jungkook: Do you know what pedophile means? If not, don't question it XD.


Q:To Jimin: How do you feel, not that you can see everything?

Jimin: I feel amazing!

Q: To Yoongi: Y/n counted you as a best friend.....Knowing she disappeared, do you know where she is? Are you sad that she won't be there to comfort you anymore?

Yoongi: *sighs* I am sad, yes. I truly miss her....as for her location, I do not know where she could possibly be...But I think The Pharaoh knows more than he is letting on.....he's far too calm..

Q: To Taehyung: You are still Pharaoh. Has anything changed? Did all of you guys change? How's life with Jimin?

Taehyung: Everything had changed...I have worked hard to become a worthy ruler of my people...I think we have all changed on the inside...We have become better....JImin and I are close again.

Q: To Jungkook: Eyyyyy buddy! How's life? Are you okay now?

Jungkook:*nods happily* I am amazing!

Q: To all the members: What do you think about y/n? What is it that made you all fall in love? (>_<) P.S.-How are you guys doing there without y/n?

Namjoon: It was her bravery that drew me to her.. And We are all devastated.

Seokjin: Her raw emotions....she never hid her feelings.

Yoongi: I admired her spirit.

Hoseok: Her sense of wander..the way she saw the world was beautiful.

Jimin: Everything.

Taehyung: I agree with Jimin.

Jungkook: Her smart mouth.

Q: To Taehyung: Are you still waiting for Y/n or you already move on?

Taehyung: *chuckles* I'm still waiting for my babygirl....I'll wait for as long as it takes.



Q: I what the Writer said was true,(that there is one person in every universe i.e.: Yoongi(TFK) Taehyung (Pyramids) Jungkook (Dynasty). does it ever cross your mind that you might meet your mother...and if you do, what would your reaction be?

Y/n: I haven't thought about it....I guess I would cry...probably break down right then and there....

Q: I know you care deeply for Taehyung and Yoongi (From TFK) But what about your mother?

Y/n: I still miss her very much....But I try not to focus on it...It would only hurt me.


Q: Will Y/n be able to visit after the whole series finishes?

A: I can't tell youuuuuuu~

Q: How do you find so many inspiration quotes? They're uplifting!

A: I just look them up online....*clears throat awkwardly*

Q: Do you plan out the stages of your chapter?

A: Yup...I plan out everything...EVERY. THING. *insert evil laughter*

Q: Can I run away with Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung and the others?

A: Sure! Just bring them back in time for the next chapter!

Q: How do you write so well?

A: My babies give me inspiration!!!!


I'm sorry if your question was not on here!


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