Chapter 20

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"Listen to my voice, and I'll bring you home. I promise."

Chapter Twenty

Min Yoongi's POV

When all's lost, I was left in a room of white.
Of dull, gray.
To sob until my tears couldn't fall, to hope until hope was nothing.

Kim Y/N was slowly being drained of her life before me, and all I could do now was sit and watch It happen.

Sit, and listen to the heartbeat that would only beat for so long.


I avert my attention to the door, and there, stood the boys. A bouquet of flowers in their hands as they approached with solemn faces.

"How is she...?" Jungkook walked forward, staring with hooded eyes. He gazed over her sleeping figure, before I watched the boy collapse over; hugging the railing of the bed.

Jungkook's sobs filled the room, leaving the rest of us watching him break. The youngest, the strongest. Watching him crumble before me, only made the ache in my chest worse.

I knew Jungkook cared for her, possibly more than I did at first.

Only because her kindness, was her most beautiful charm.

"Jungkook...don't cry here." Taehyung approached the boy, pulling him away, letting him cry into his arms.

A subtle silence fills the air, leaving me no choice but to stand.

"I'm gonna step out. You guys can stay..." I smiled softly, patting Namjoon's shoulder on the way out as I held back my tears.
My eyes, met with Seokjin's for a slight moment before I closed the door behind me.


Wind rushes from under the still oak tree, abroad the plains of vivid flowers.
The sunlight just barely peeking out from under the clouds.

It was gray.

It was dull.

It was lonely.

I was alone, sitting on a patch of grass beneath me.
The grass, dead, from my touch.
However, a green circle surrounded the places my skin did not come in contact with.
This was my utopia.
My vivid dreams.

I don't remember much; but the thoughts still lingered.
I remembered him.
I remembered his gummy-like smile. Smiling upon me from above, as I dreamt.

It was beautiful then.

I wish I could stray myself in it forever, and let it flood my mind.

In the end...

It only became black.

The wondrous colors rot before me, drowning in a dark red.

The scenery whooshed pass, changing into a dull gray room. Where, an empty chair sat in the midst of it. Light, barely touching the darkness that embodied the scenery.

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