Chapter 10

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"Does he like me?"

Chapter Ten
[Time Skip]

When the days passed, I never really thought that I'd feel so alone at this point.

He hadn't talked to me since the day I confessed to him, leaving me out cold, I was beginning to think it really was a bad idea. That now, I wasn't sure whether or not to approach him...or let him walk pass me like nothing ever happened.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin, who joined me during lunch, surprisingly, shoved a spoonful of his kimchi rice into his mouth. Chewing with chipmunk cheeks.

I poked and prodded at my food, everything was tasteless.

"No." I groaned, slamming my head down against the table with a thud.

This is what rejection feels like. Right?

If it is, it sucks balls.

"Why won't he accept me?" I raised my head up, my chin rests against the surface of the table as I looked at Seokjin for help. He shrugged, biting the tip of his chopsticks, licking the remains of the kimchi paste.

"He'll come around, that icicle can be lost sometimes." He nodded, knowingly.

Grumbling, I wiped my face with my fingers in dread; exaggerating my annoyance with my saggy eye bags.

"I. Hate. Him."

Seokjin smiled warmly, a devilish smirk becoming of his face.

"Why?" He tilted his head, pouting out his lips in a cute manner. His eyes shimmering with mischief.

Frowning, I sat upright and placed my elbows on the table; leaning in close.

"Because..." I started, looking around just in case he wasn't there.

"Because?" Seokjin rolled his eyes, awaiting for the answer.

Blowing out a puff of my breath, I growled in frustration, recoiling back to my seat.
"Because nothing. I just hate him because I hate him. Okay?" I scratched my head, my lips curved into a deep scowl.

"Hate who?" 

Holy Hannah of all IT's.

I shriek, falling from my chair, hearing Yoongi's voice beside my ear. He stood, rooted in place with a smirk across his face. Oh man how I wanted to wipe that off, and replace it with a red hand mark.

Seokjin giggled, slapping his hand over his mouth to muffle his windshield laugh.

"Y-Yoongi? How long were you standing there for?" I laugh awkwardly, wincing from the impact. Rubbing my tailbone in pain, I sit up from the floor and slightly slammed my head against the seat.

If he heard all of what I said...

I'd rather just dig my grave now.

"I've just arrived here." He said, seating himself down on the other seat across from me.

Relieved, I raised my head as I smiled widely. Slapping my hands together, I thankfully praised my good karma; ignoring if I looked like an idiot.

"Yah." Yoongi leaned down, squinting.

He raised his index finger, pointing at my face with a weird look.

"What? Am I that ugly to you?" I glare, looking away sassily.

He sighed.

"No it's not's just..."

"Just..What?" I faced him again, my eyebrow raised in question.

"It's just..." he pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in annoyance.

"There's spinach on your teeth."

I froze in my spot.

There's. Spinach. On. My. Teeth?

Robotically turning to reach through my bag, I pulled out my phone and swiped over the screen where the camera was. Bringing it up to my face, I switched the camera to look.

And sure enough.

Spinach, covered my entire front tooth.

Karma, you son of a BITCH.

Bittersweet Melody Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz