Chapter 14

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"The more distant I am. The better for you."

Chapter Fourteen


Men, women, police, and even doctors. They all bombarded me, a mob so inescapable it was impossible to get out.

"Miss. Kim, how do you feel about this incident?"

"Maim, please, if you don't tell me anything I can't help you."

The questioning, the interviewing.

I just wanted it to end.

As soon as possible.

"Hey! Excuse me!" Men are shoved apart, bodies in between bodies. I could barely lift my head to look at the person that now stood in front of me. But I recognized his shoes almost immediately.

"Y/N?!" He bent down, coming face to face with me.

That Min Yoongi.

It's like wherever I went, no matter what, he'd always find me.

I raised my head slightly, eyes finding his. I wasn't sure if it were the fact that I hadn't slept, or that my body just couldn't function properly.
But the moment I saw his face, all I could do was collapse.

Collapse, and watch everything turn black.


His face, pale and pruned.
so dark from under the darkness as her fingers curl over the latch like a small ceiling.

He stares as it slowly opened; revealing the lost light he couldn't find.
Her eyes, were just a reflection of him.

And his voice, no, his scream.



He only. Saw. Himself.

I wake with a start, heaving forward from the bed as cold sweat drips down the sides of my face.

A dream.


A nightmare.

That vivid picture that drew a line over my eyes, that line of repetitive scenes that only seemed to get worse every time I slept.

His face.

It was full of dread.

I clutch my head, pulling my legs close against my chest as I dazed off into nothing. That day will always haunt me, no matter the treatment.
Call me crazy.
Call me anything.
But no one will change that fact.

The fact that someone out there, so cruel, had the audacity and the mind of a psychopath to send me something of such vile.
To send me something, that will haunt my memories.

Hearing the door slide open and close with a gentle thud, I slowly let my arms fall limp against my sides as he walks over with a hot bowl of what seemed like porridge.

"You're awake." Yoongi had bags under his eyes.

Had he not slept?

I stay silent, watching him pull a chair with his feet as he sat himself down beside the hospital bed.

"Here." He extended the bowl out for me to take.

I stare at the contents of the bowl, unmoved.

"I'm...not hungry." Gently shoving the it away, I drowned myself in the blankets once more, hiding myself beneath the covers.

"Y/N..." the sound of the ceramic ware being placed down becomes gentle in my ears as I listen to his footsteps go round the bed.

Forcefully shutting my eyes tight, I ignore as his hand curls around the hem of the blanket, gently pulling it off to reveal my face.

"Look at me." Yoongi's voice, barely a mere but soft whisper.

His fingers caress my cheeks, shocking my eyes open. He was already there, staring at me with those eyes. Those eyes that glimmered despite the many times I've caused trouble for him.

I became the burden that I didn't want to become.

Closing my fists tightly, my breath hitches with unending sobs.

"I'm scared." I choked, feeling tears slowly stream down my face; soaking the sheets.

I would expect him to say something.

Maybe a few words to help.


I definitely didn't expect it.

The way he closed his eyes, gently lifting my head with the palm of his hands as it cupped my cheeks.

And that subtle touch, of his lips, as it pressed against my forehead.

Words seemed to fail me then, as I felt myself being pulled into his warmth.
My head rests against his chest, in which his heartbeat raced wildly.

But what I didn't the expect the most, was the feeling, of his lips that brushed against my ears...

As he whispered, "Let me protect you."

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