PROLOGUE | Changing The Future

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Hello everyone, my name is XCamCammyX and I'm the author of this story. This is my first story so it might not be as good as other stories but please give it a chance. The story and the characters belong to me. English also isn't my first language and I have dyslexia so sorry for any grammar mistakes. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.

If you want to see what the characters look like you can check out my Instagram: xcamcammyx


People with special abilities already existed centuries ago. Of course, no one knew that they existed back then. They hid among the common folk, hiding the fact that they could do things others couldn't. They either used their abilities when no one was looking or never used their abilities, too afraid that they would get caught. Of course, a few were brave enough or stupid to show their abilities to others and got hunted down and killed. Humans fear what they don't know or can't control. So, what do they do to something that threatens them? They eliminate it. But all that was centuries ago. As years went by, humans changed. They found ways to understand what they couldn't. They have become more accepting of what the world would give and the people around them. So, it wasn't a surprise that when a few years ago the first person to show signs of having abnormal abilities at birth was born. After the mother gave birth, she began to have a heart failure but the moment she touched her child she got better. The child unconsciously healed their mother. When the news about this miracle spread all over social media the world went into chaos. People all over the world showed different reactions. Some were amazed, some jealous and some were scared. In the end, they concluded that the baby wasn't dangerous as long as they wouldn't use their abilities to do bad things. When the child was older, they became a healer. After that, more and more people revealed that they also have abilities and were accepted into society. But of course, not everyone wants to use their abilities for good. A few used their abilities to commit criminal acts and this group of people gained the title villain. Of course, the normal police force couldn't take down these villains so a group that also had abilities volunteered to help. They are known as heroes. This group of heroes and villains were known as the first generation of ability users.

When the second generation of ability users was born more and more people became more accepting and almost fully used to the concept of ability users. They now welcomed the heroes with open arms and started building special schools for the next generations to come. Naturally, people never knew the real identities of most of these supers as it could bring them in danger. The villains and even some other people wanted them gone or used them as test subjects.

What they didn't know was that when the third generation would be born a group of supers and non-supers would change what the world knows about these abilities and the connection it has with everything that they thought they knew. They will change the way the world shall work. They will change the future.

°¤○○○○○Changing The Future○○○○○¤°


It's a peaceful and quiet night. Dark blue is seeping through the normally pitch-dark night as the full moon is out tonight. Everyone in the neighborhood seems to be asleep. The only lights on are the streetlights which are shining their yellow light on the empty streets. Sadly, the silence is disturbed by a mysterious figure running on the rooftops of the buildings. What makes a person a hero? He is wearing a dark crimson red tuxedo with a black mask covering his whole face. A good hero can be hard to find. He seems to be on the run from something or someone. A hero is selfless. "Stop!" Someone shouts behind him. He laughs and turns around and sees that the people who were chasing him managed to get to him again and are almost catching up to him. He quickly observes his surroundings for an escape. He spots an open window and sees this as his opening to escape. He jumps off the rooftop into the window nearly missing it. A genuinely good person. He lands in a room and observes his surroundings seeing a bunch of children sleeping on bunk beds. And someone gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change. This must be some kind of orphanage. Someone willing to risk their own lives to save another. He walks towards the beds while he begins to shrink and turn into a child. He looks around and sees an empty bed. Well, if that's a hero. He was just about to get in the bed when a table is sent flying toward him and knocks him into the wall. Then I'm more of a hero than they are.

The children wake up to the sound of the table breaking and the now child colliding with a wall. They look around terrified and some even screamed at the sight of a child having collided with a wall. "There is nowhere to run now." A woman in a black, purple and blue hero costume says walking towards him. "I don't think heroes are allowed to send tables flying at children Lillian." The man says with a smirk turning back to his original figure. "But you're not a child so stop whining." Another hero in a green and black suit says, also walking towards the man. "Come back with us peacefully or we'll have to do this the hard way." The two heroes have cornered him. There is nowhere for him to go. He could fight the heroes but there are children in the room and they could get hurt. He also doesn't want to let himself be captured by the likes of them. With his ability, there isn't much that he can do. He can either go with them, but he didn't go on the run for so long just to get captured and to go to jail. Or he can kill them, but he doesn't kill those who haven't stepped out of line yet.

He has no choice but to go with them for now. He'll find a way to escape somehow anyway. He groans because he knows that this decision is going to be a pain. He was ready to go with the heroes when he saw a girl standing in front of the window he came through. Because the light from the moon shines through the window he can't see her features clearly. He noticed that the other children are looking at her with fear in their eyes. They are all trying to get to the furthest corner of the room or try to cover themselves completely under their bedsheets to get the furthest away from the girl as fast as possible. 'Why are they so scared of her?' The man thinks to himself. She seems to be staring at the heroes with an emotionless expression. He looks at the heroes and they seem to be focused on him. The heroes don't seem to have noticed the girl yet. Suddenly the heroes are laying on the ground, groaning in pain and the girl is now standing between him and the heroes with her back to him. "Sweety what are you doing? He's a villain, you shouldn't protect him." Lillian says confused. "Well, it's too bad that I hate heroes." She runs up to the man and grabs his hand and they disappear. The heroes look dumbfounded at the spot the man and the girl were just a second ago. "Damn, this is going to be a problem." The other hero says. Lillian runs towards the window "They couldn't have gotten far. Let's go!" The two heroes both jump out of the building. Little did they know that the man and the girl were far gone.

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