"I can tell you a little bit about me if you don't want to start," George suggested once their laughs had dialled down. Blair bit her lip and nodded lightly, feeling she may be a little more comfortable to talk about herself if George started with things about him.

"Alright well, I've got five brothers and one sister," he began. "We live in Ottery St. Caterpole in what we call The Burrow. It's not much, but its home. My Dad works in the Ministry of Magic and has an infatuation with Muggle inventions. Bit weird, but he's our Dad, you know?

Freddie and I plan to open up our own joke shop when school finishes. It'll be better than Zonko's! We've got Puking Pastilles, Nosebleed-Nougat, fireworks, Love Potions-"

George rambled on about all the products he and Fred had planned for their shop and Blair found herself being absorbed into his excitement. His face practically glowed as he talked and Blair actually liked seeing him so interested in his plans. She knew about his 'talents' in pranks and jokes, and she also knew about his lack of interest in school. She remembered that he had said he had only gotten O's in Potions and Charms, meaning that had some sort of academia in order to produce the products he raved so much about.

"It's your turn now," George's voice brought Blair out of her trance and she saw that he had finished his explanation and was waiting to hear hers.

"W-Well..." she found herself saying. "There's not much to say-"

"Oh come on," George rolled his eyes playfully. "Blair Rosier, the biggest mystery at Hogwarts, has nothing to say about herself?"

"I'm not that interesting," she mumbled bashfully.

"Alright, what about the basics? What's your favourite colour?"

Blair raised her eyebrows at him and George glanced down to her attire of a black sweater, black jeans and black shoes. Even Jasper who purred blissfully next to her matched her aesthetic.

"Okay, that one was stupid," he chuckled lightly. "What do you wanna be when you graduate?"

"A potioneer."

"I knew it," George grinned and Blair blushed. "Where do you think you'd work?"

"St. Mungos maybe," she answered. "Make up the treatments and stuff. Although there's always the privately owned shops."

"You can work for Fred and I!" he butt in. "We've got formulas for Love Potions! You can make them for us!"

"I'll think about it."

The two spent the afternoon learning about each other and Blair was actually enjoying herself. Her weekends were usually filled with early assignments and reading, and it was a nice change to have someone to talk to. George was generally interested in her life and she enjoyed hearing about his chaotic one. She was amazed at how much his home sounded like a continuous festival of magic and family members.

"So what about your home life?" the question finally came that Blair was dreading.

George had previously been telling her about the time he and Fred transfigured their Brother Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider. Blair found it hilarious and held back a loud laugh at his description of his Mum scolding the twins for a week, only to stop any sign of laughter when Georg asked the taboo question. She of course didn't expect him to know of her home life, but she had hoped he'd maybe never think to ask or get the message that because her father was killed during the Wizarding war, that she wouldn't have the most stable of homes.

George noticed Blair's obvious change in demeanour and wished he had never said anything. Her smile dropped completely and she looked exactly how she did when he first saw her on the Hogwarts Express. She looked away from him and stroked Jasper who was curled up next to her, using him as a distraction.

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