Chapter 27: 5 Seconds of Summer, Six packs and Angels

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Ashlynn's P.O.V


1 week later.

I haven't seen Max since the day I met Sebastian. It worries me. I groan in frustration, rubbing my face I grab my headphones and plug them into my phone.

"She's a good girl, she's daddy's favourite, she's saved for Harvard, she knows she'll make it."

"She's good in school, she's never truant, she can speak French, I think she's fluent."

"Cause every night she study's hard in her room, at least that's what her parents assume."

"But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend. Here's what she told me the time that I caught them."

"She said to me, Forget what you thought cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

"So just turn around and forget what you saw cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I sang along.

"Ashlynn!" Ember called.


"I'm leaving to go to James's house. Okay?"

"Okay!" I call back. I should go to Max's, see if his parents know where he is. I've been thinking of him 24/7. I need him I think that means... I love him.

"I love Max." I realized. Who gives a crap if he's the slender man.

I ran to his house and knocked on his door. His dad opens the door.

"Is Max-umm here?" I swallow.

"Yeah, he's up in his room. I'm going to work. Okay, so you get the house to yourselves." He steps out of the way. "Don't do anything your not supposed to."

"No worries. Mr. Willis." I said with a smile and walk up the stairs hoping I'd get the right room. I knock on the door. He opens it. He's not in his slender man form anymore and of course, he's shirtless. Damn you six pack.

"I thought you were-" He cuts me off. He picks me up and kisses me then drops me to the ground and slams the door in my face leaving me standing in the hallway.

"Max!" I said banging on his door.

"Just kidding! Get in here." He laughs and drags me inside his room then closes the door behind him. He throws me on his bed.

"You're so weird." I laugh.

"Touché." He says now on top of me.


Sebastian's P.O.V


"You were supposed to keep anyone from loving him!" My uncle Keith says. "You knew it would break his curse!" He raked a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Why? Why did I have to do that? It's just wrong!"

"Because... He killed my daughter." His green eyes were like needles piercing my skin.

"How would you know that?" I ask.

"Because I saw it with my own eyes."


"Yes!" He said.

"I HATE YOU." I ran and jumped out of the building window and sprouted my huge black wings and flew away. Yes, I'm an angel woopdy-do. Dark angel I should say and yes I was Max's best friend in the past and yes Keith erased his memory just for me to put the curse on him. I don't know why I did it. I just did. I didn't want to do it.

What do I do now? Should I go tell Max I was his best friend and betrayed him? Or should I just leave it be? I ask myself. I don't know. I sigh. I'll tell him later.

"What is that?" I here a human yell.

"Shoot," I whisper. I fly up to the clouds so they can't see me. Why can't I be normal? I thought. I hate being an angel. I know it sounds cool and all flying around over buildings and such. but it's not, it's really not. being an angel is like being attached to a voodoo doll. Sometimes wizards or warlocks (like my uncle) can control you kinda like Max. I hope Keith doesn't think about controlling me.


Keith's P.O.V


Sebastian isn't really my nephew well he kinda is. His parents died when he was two. He's adopted. so I took him in... I didn't want to, I just did it anyway.

"Keith!" My secretary screams. "Sebastian has been caught by the humans! It's going to be everywhere."

"Goddammit!" I said I kicked my desk.

"He's in trouble. They won't stop looking for him."

"I know, I know." I held up a hand to make her stop. "I'll take care of it."

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