Chapter 4

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I really didn't mind that he kissed me. However, it's still bothering me that he told me that he was the Slender Man.

We kinda got to know each other from our walk. I know about his family. His family is pretty wealthy, and they didn't care what happened to him; they only cared about their finances. I know not all rich people are selfish, but it seems to me that his parents are.

It's a Saturday, and there's a thunderstorm. That just ruined my Saturday. I like hanging around outside with my friends, but somedays I enjoy lying around wearing sweatpants and playing on the computer. Like almost every other teenager.

My phone went off. I grabbed it and read the text.


"Hey, how did you get my number?"

"I read minds. Lol jk. I'm the slender man. Sadly. I can do anything."

"I don't know if I believe you on that yet. So, why did you text me?"

"Well... I wanted to tell you something."

"What? what is it?"

"I think I like you."

"Yay! you don't hate me!" I chuckle to myself.

"Lol. more like, really like."


"Yes, and I was wondering if you liked me too."

"I do like you. as a friend, but I need to get to know you more."

"Oh, okay, that makes sense. I fucking hate my curse..."

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did the 'curse' happen?"

If it even happened.

"Well, I was born with it. I couldn't change it, and I always had an urge to kill people until I met you in the alley."

"Why did you save me?"

"Idk. The man was attacking you.

"Yeah, right."

"That's why I saved you.."

"Okay, that's not what I don't believe you on. I don't believe you on the fact that you're the Slender Man. The Slender Man doesn't exist, he's a myth."

"I'm not lying."

I leave him on read, and started studying for exams when I hear a scream across the street. I dropped my pencil and ran out into the pouring rain. The slender man was attacking a young child.

"Stop!" I ran up to the child and asked if she was okay. She got up and started trembling, and ran into her house.

The man stepped slowly towards me. I back away, "Please, I'm sorry," my eyes were glued to him.

His thin arm reached out to me and grabbed me by the throat. I struggled, my hands on his arm. Tears were already falling down my face, and I squeeze my eyes shut. I suddenly dropped to the ground, falling on my hands and knees; I don't dare look away from the wet pavement.

"Ashlynn?" A similar voice spoke through the pouring rain.

I continued to sob. Soon, I was picked up from the ground. It was Max.

He took me into my house and laid me on the couch, "are you okay? What were you doing out in the rain?"

"Someone screamed, a child, she was being attacked."

"By who?"

"More like, what."

He looked at me, confused.

"What were you doing out in the rain? I looked around. No one was there other than that little girl; where did you come from?"

It took a minute to respond, "I don't know."

"Like hell, you don't know," I pushed him away, "if that was you, why did you attack me?"

His face changed, from confused to a sudden realization. "I-"

"Get out" I avoid eye contact.

"Ashlynn, I-"

"I said get out."


I sit up. "I don't even know you! I don't need rescuing! I'm not a damsel in distress! I can handle my own!" I push him away, "Get out!"

Finally, he leaves.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom, turning the shower on. I put my hands on the sink, steadying myself. The mirror was already getting fogging; I lift my chin, looking at my neck, it was read, where the thin man grabbed my neck. I ran my fingers over it; why does this keep happening?

Not bothering to take my clothes off, I sit on the floor of the tub, bringing my knees to my chest. I weep. 

Falling for the Slender Man (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now