Chapter 19: Break ins, Officers, and Jason Wayland

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Ashlynn's P.O.V


I looked across the street to see police cars and caution tape around Max's house. I ran out the door and ran up to one of the police officers who looked very upset.

"What happened here?" I said pointing at the house.

"There's been a break in."

"Was anyone hurt?"

"It's none of your business."

"Yes, it is." I ran a hand through my hair. "My boyfriend lives here."

"Mathew Willis?"


"You do know he's in the hospital and he's the slender man right?"

"Yes, I saved him. How do you know-?"

"Thank you." He interrupted.

"Why thank me?"

"For not hating him for being the slender man. I'm his father. Hunter Willis." He held out his hand.

I shook his hand. "Ashlynn. Ashlynn Johnson."

"Do you know who shot him?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Who? I'll kill him when I find out who he is."

"I thought you didn't care about him?"

"His mother doesn't care about him. He's my son I don't what he is or who he is I wouldn't care if he was an alien for goodness sake. Who shot him?"

"Jason Wayland."

"I'm going to kill that son of a-"

"Hunter! Have you found out who the murderer is?" One of the police officers yelled.

"Not yet- how could I have found out anyway? Buuuut... I found out who shot my son."


"Jason Wayland."

"Did someone get killed, Mr Willis?" I asked.

"Not yet. His sister is in the hospital now." I could tell from his eyes he wanted to cry.

"He has a sister?"

"Yes. Now leave to my business.''

At that, I walked away. He had a sister? What will he do when he finds out she's hurt? Bad. I'm going to see him now. I ran inside Ember's house and saw her staring out the window.

"You see that?" She asks.

"Of course I do." I laugh.

"What happen?"

"A murder scene. Sort of." I laughed and looked away.

"Who died? That's Max's house!" She nearly screams at me.

"His sister is alive but badly hurt."

"He has a sister. I didn't know that."

"Yes, I didn't expect you to know that. When I didn't know that either. Well, I'm going to go see Max."

"Okay! see ya later. Oh and don't forget tomorrow is our first day of grade 12 and last year of high school!" she yells.

Oh, the joys of graduating.

I ran up the stairs and grabbed a pair of jeans that are ripped at both knees, a tight dark purple tank top and a blue sweater. I took a shower, got dressed and put makeup on and all that jazz. I put my lime green running shoes on, even though they didn't match. I grabbed my phone and hopped in the car.

As I drove, a person jumped in front of me and told me to stop, I hit the emergency brake, I hit him just hard enough for him to fall down. I picked him up and realized it was Jason before he could get up fully I dropped him. "What the hell Ashlynn?"

"You shot Max and his sister now she's hurt! Just like Max!"

"I didn't shoot Max's sister! I beat her up!"

"Whatever.." I walked away and got into my car. "Now move before I run you over!"

He turned and shoved his hands in his pockets.

The car started moving but Jason jumps in front of it. I slammed the breaks. "Are you kidding me! Come on! There are cars behind me!" Car horns honked behind me.

"I didn't get to tell you what I wanted to say!"

"What," I said with venom in my voice.

"I'm sorry."

"Yep, sure you are... Now move!" I snapped.

He ran for some odd reason... I don't know why but he just looked afraid.

I pressed the gas and headed to the direction of the hospital.

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