22:- Earl Grey

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Thoren was pissed off with Thom. He was even more irate at Sienna. Thom knew what he was doing; he knew that by flirting with Sienna he was ruffling Thoren's feathers, and yet he did it anyway, despite the fact that there might be consequences, despite the fact that it hurt Thoren's feelings, and might even effect their relationship. Still, there was a possibility that Thom might not realise just how much Thoren liked Sienna. However, Sienna did know. He didn't give himself to her for the sake of her being a pretty face – like Thoren was sure some of her past 'lovers' had – but because it had meant something to him; something special. Sienna knew that, and by flirting with Thom, she was taking advantage of that, and it wasn't OK with Thoren. 

Sure, he didn't usually have sex that quickly with someone that he cared about, but he wasn't going to be taken for a fool by anyone and if that meant a little bit of tough love then so be it.


"These are going well, aren't they?"

"Yeah." Sienna grinned, mixing Bailey's with her espresso. "Thank you for getting a licence and sorting it out."

"No problem." Thoren replied. "Glad you decided to hold this."

Thoren hadn't gone to Sienna's to see her today, and he didn't dare ask where Thom was, or had been, for the day either, but his talk with her last night about getting out and having a break from the house arrest that he had helped put her on must have done something because Thoren got a text this morning stating that Sienna was going ahead with tonight's open mic, and she pointed out that before anyone said it was a bad idea she was still technically in the building where she lived so the rules of her self-made house arrest still applied.

"Are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you, Thoren. You think this is a bad idea. You think this is the opposite of laying low, and I should not be shown to be spending any time around alcohol, or seemingly be having fun."

"Well, it wouldn't look good if someone mentioned this in court if your sister really is pressing charges."

"She is." Sienna tipped back her coffee.

"Right, well, at least have a sober night?"

"It's only one drink."

"Right now," Thoren pointed out, much to Sienna's annoyance. "Do you know every face in this room?"


Thoren nodded at the people in front of him, socialising at tables, or standing near the stage that they had created for these events. "Do you know who all these people are?"

"They're artists, like me – like you, Thoren. They have a passion for the arts, mainly music in this case."

"Any one of them could be here to vouch against you in a court of law. They could say you're out of control, or you can't handle your drink, and it won't do you any favours then."

"You're so cynical."

"No," Thoren raised his eyebrow. "I'm being realistic. If your sister really knows her way around the law, and she's sneaky enough – which she must be if she's pressing charges against her own sister – then I can bet my bottom dollar that she has an eye on you too."



Sienna shook her hand away and poured herself another drink; this time forgetting the coffee. "Never mind."


"You're not talking to me."

"Go away, Thom."

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