6:- Peppermint Tea

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Even though it wasn't his place to say or do anything, Thoren still found a quiet moment with Sienna after that rich show off bid his goodbyes and left Koffi cafe. There was something bothering Thoren about Sienna. Sure, he'd known her a day and didn't really know anything about her at all, but it was learning and also he was observing.

Sienna didn't seem like the kind of woman who would want to be anyone's mistress. She seemed independent, sure, strong headed and stubborn but she didn't seem like the kind of woman who would be that desperate for company that she would be willing to ruin other people's relationships, for the sake of a few stolen moments in coffee shops and flats with annual paid rent - in cash.

Sienna seemed like the type of woman, to Thoren who was misunderstood and derived of attention in her family home. Sienna Mercer could defend herself, she didn't need a rich man to defend her, and she didn't need a married man paying for everything for her. Thoren thought Sienna was prouder than that.

"What do you want, Thoren? You've been winding me up all morning. It's rude to eavesdrop, you know."

"I know but it's hard not to."

"No, it's not." Sienna retorted. "You just find something else to do. You go out the back. You make yourself a drink. Anything, Thoren."

"Yes but I just didn't like it."

Sienna raised her eyebrows. "Didn't like it? You didn't like what, exactly?

Thoren frowned as he watched the woman in front of him grow angry, as if he'd overstepped a boundary. But he had overstepped a boundary. He'd invaded her personal space by listening in on her conversation, and he was barely more than a stranger who found her attractive. He could understand why she was angry, but he was only looking out for her. If she was starting over because of problems, she obviously didn't need the extra drama in her life. She needed a clean slate. "Why are you so happy that his wife is having a baby?" Thoren asked. Thinking of the man who'd not long ago left, who just pulled five thousand pounds out of his pocket like it was loose change. Although it wasn't Thoren's place to judge, he was actually disappointed in Sienna.

"Because it's good news."

Thoren knew he was overstepping, but he wanted Sienna to get on in life and prove her family wrong, she had, after all, put them behind her because they didn't care enough about her. Did they know about her relationship? "But should a mistress be happy?"

Sienna snorted as she slapped a hand on Thoren's arm. "He's my brother, you idiot."

Thoren pursed his lips. "You gave me little indication of that."

"Well it was none of your business in the first place. Wrex is my older brother. He's a surgeon. He's made a lot of money and he understands what my family can be like. He's been trying to have a baby with his wife, Cassidy, for years. So yes, I am extremely happy that a midwife who wanted nothing more in life than a child of her own is expecting."

"Well then I'm very happy for them."

"Now that you've put your jealousy to the side?" Sienna crossed her arms over her chest.

"Who said I was jealous?"

"Oh please," Sienna waved her hand. "You're a jealous idiot."

"I take that personally, you know."

"Of course you do." Sienna muttered. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get ready for my meal tonight."

Thoren didn't want Sienna to go upstairs and leave him in the quiet cafe, with no customers to watch or entertain. Thoren didn't want to be left alone. Not yet. He liked having the company. "Wait, Sienna."

Sienna actually rolled her eyes in front of Thoren. "What is it?"

"I don't want you to think of me only as an interfering, jealous idiot. I actually want us to be friends, because we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other. Probably every day, actually. I want us to get on. I think we should break the ice. Like, properly, without it being in this cafe. We need a proper introduction."

"You want to be friends?"

"Don't you?" Thoren countered. He held up his index finger when Sienna went to answer. "Only answer that if you're going to say something nice."

"I guess." Sienna replied. "If we're really going to be seeing that much of each other."

"That's the spirit!" Thoren grinned, slapping Sienna on the shoulder. The weight of his strength pushed Sienna forwards slightly, he Thoren caught her, grabbing her by the waist. The pair then found themselves in a compromising position: Sienna in front of Thoren, slightly bent over, with her body pressed against his, also slightly bent forwards.

"When I agreed to be friends, I wasn't insinuating that we have that kind of friendship."

Thoren moved away from Sienna. He was bright red. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Right. Sorry. Got a little excited there."

"Bloody hell."

Thoren cleared his throat. "Anyway, my brother is trying to set me up with girls at bars but honestly, it's not the way I like to pick up women."

Sienna's lips stayed in a firm line. "Right?"

"So, I kind of need someone to come with me tonight so my brother and I can just hang out like normal without the introductions and mindless flirting. You'll get to meet him too and learn a bit about me and my life outside of this coffee shop – after you've finished your meal, of course."

"You need me to be your fake girlfriend?" Sienna asked, shocked by his ever current forwardness.

"Not really. Just a friend. Girl... Friend. Just a friend whose a girl who will hang out with us so my brother is too preoccupied getting to know you that he won't set me up."

Sienna shook her head slowly side to side. "This is the weirdest friendship I've ever sodding had." 

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