Sobbed Confession

Start from the beginning

Peter allowed himself to turn around because he assumed that's what wade wanted. They stare at each other face to face.

He grabbed both of Peter's hands in both of his for dear life.
Wade felt himself turning red. But peter didn't know that.
He will understand.
It's too late to turn back.
Just do it.

"I..." he begins.

Spiderman tilts his head, desperate to just hear the answer or leave. This lunatic needed to make up his mind. He felt like he knew what he was preparing for, but that feeling couldn't exist when he was around Wade.

"I don't actually like anime.." he said, pointing his finger towards the arachnid, a frown paused the rest of his sentence "but you seem very impatient and upset about this, so um..."

He could no longer think of a witty substitute as a replacement, so he'd just let it happen.

"Nevermind." He said.

Spiderman paused, slightly disappointed, but managed to shrug it off. "Okay." He said. He unattached their hands, "well, see you later then."

Wade only grabbed Spiderman's arm, "You're hot." He said.


"Your ass is on fire today."


"I like you, spidey." Wade paused. "Like, I mean a lot. I like like you."

Peter paused without a response. He stood there, trying to process the words that escaped Wade's mouth. He was waiting for him to break out in laughter, for it all to be fun and giggles. Even he managed to laugh a little, hoping it was just a joke.

But laughter hadn't seemed to be a thought of Wade's. He'd seemed dead seriously, actually.

Deadpool was confessing love to Spiderman!? Like, jokes aside?
He didn't even know what Peter looked like, which made him feel kind of bad. It was silly, also a little uneasing.

Peter had so many feelings right at that second, his stomach turned with butterflies. His face turned an embarrassing shade of red, which was -thank god- unable to be seen. An answer was intended, but before anything continued, Peter's first instinct got the best of him; he forced Wade to release his hands and quickly ran off.

Peter's touch melted, and soon his sight.
Tears filled Deadpool's eyes, before shattering into some kind of sadness.
Wade instantly felt stabbed, as insecure as he was, the love of his life had just rejected his feelings. His insecurities had kicked in right at the moment.
He looked down in pity for himself.

He grabbed his chest and squeezed it, turning to a fake audience, "I'm sure that hurt somewhere in there." he told himself before he began walking off to who knows where.

I do, actually.

Peter was proceeding at very high velocity.
Why was he so uncomfortable?
Was he even uncomfortable?
Why was he even running?
He couldn't answer those questions, as he was too focused on getting home.

He eventually ended up in his room, finally.

Before he could think about how much he could avoid Deadpool, he remembered that Deadpool knew where he lived! He could come at any moment.
But it was very possible.

He made a quick decision to sleep in the living room, just for tonight, for some reason thinking it was an absolutely fantastic idea. It was so brilliant, he deserved a polished medal from Stark Industries.

He walked down the hall into his room, grabbing a blanket before going back into the living room, then threw himself on the couch, thinking about what Deadpool had said.

Wade Wilson? Out of every man, woman, or living thing, who knew that the one to fall in love with Spiderman would be Wade Wilson?
Peter hated Wade. Hated.
With an undebatable, passion.
He would NEVER return Wade's feelings. Never.
At least, that's what he told himself.


Wade went back into his old trashed apartment, shaming himself and judging himself rather than actually looking for Spiderman, it was pointless because all Peter was going to do was run.
That's all he could do.

But he still managed to laugh, because it was kind of funny; it was just a joke.

Wade walked into his kitchen and grabbed a couple beers. He sat carelessly on his couch.

He tried to drink as much as he could, even though he knew that he couldn't get drunk due to his healing factor, it was nonetheless, pointless.

Wade thought about drinking, suicide, and drugs.
Obviously none of the options were really an option.
It was really overdramatic of Wade, which made him laugh even more.
All he could do now, was try ignoring the truth.

Besides, he didn't actually know Peter, he knew Spiderman.
But still.

Something about Peter made him go crazy.
It was wild.
He looked down.
He was rejected today, he laughed again, by the one man that he trusted to put his falling underneath.
And he fell hard.

"Am I just too ugly? He doesn't want someone so disgusting and sexy such as me, huh?" Wade asked himself over and over, the voices in his head not seeming to respond. Sometimes, enough alcohol made them go silent. He looked over at his cat. He was pretty old, but wade didn't know the difference between whether he was dead or asleep.

"Goodnight taco." He whispered, "honestly, I don't think I did anything wrong. In fact, that was perfect. But I won't bother you, my withered insect."

He regained his fake dramacity, and cried once again, drowning himself in his own pity, acting as if he were in an evanescence version of Hamilton. But still, he allowed his insecurities overpower him. Even if it was all just a goof, he couldn't lie to himself. Admittedly, he found a lot of men attractive even to the extent of a self joke. It still seemed overwhelming, thinking that if he really liked him, he would've been rejected. Noted.

He was forcing himself to cry at this point. He looked down only to notice one thing. To make it all the better, he could please Reyna's audience by torturing himself.

He grabbed the hand pistol that caught his eye from his pocket, and just laughed even more.
He looked at it, but without hesitation, took it to his head. This is really what he'd become. A pawn in the little game Spider-Man liked to play. How pathetic, Peter. That's just rude.
This is what Peter wanted.
This is what he deserved.

He laughed a little harder.

Then pulled the trigger and relaxing silence came to his reality.

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