Gore Porn

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You use to beat me

Cause I wouldn't be your baby.

Never did I enjoy blood on site

But you gave me a reason to feel delight

A low shiver runs up my spine,

Spiders now crawl all over.

Even if a nose bleed or a small cut,

A small scent of iron hits my nostrils,

I'm delighted.

A beautiful sin

In watching blood run.

The devil's desire to watch humankind bleed,

I am the devil in this desire,

And I want you to bleed for me,

Such pretty eyes make me want to punch you,

A beautiful sculpted face,

Your cheeks flush red.

You are scarred like me

Hard working like me,

I'd enjoy watching your cuts bleed,

Your skin sizzle under a lit match.

Unwanted in the healthy mind,

I'm sadistic,

It's a power dynamic,

A wonder in gore porn.

Why Not? Just Die.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat