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-Namjoon's P.O.V-

I woke up to the sudden feeling of being cold, I opened my eyes and saw that Taehyung was standing over me and smiling widely. "Come on Hyung, it's time to go!" I smiled, remembering today was the day we were to go back in time. I got out of bed hastily and was at my closet within seconds.

I picked out a pair of oversized jeans, a black shirt with some random letters on the front, a beanie, and some shoes. I walked to the bathroom, washed my face real quick, and then threw on all of the clothes. I walked out and Taehyung smiled, "how do I look Tae?" I asked. He nodded, "very nice, now let's go!"

He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me down the flight of stairs that led to the bottom floor of the building. We arrived at a door which I had never gone into before, "manager PD wants us in here, this is where we are going to do it!" Taehyung exclaimed. I smiled as he opened the door, everyone was already in there, all smiling.

I looked around as we walked in and I saw what looked like an oddly shaped car. It honestly didn't look like the time machines from the movies, I didn't even know how to describe it. "Ok, now that they are here, are we all ready?!" Manager PD asked, everyone responded with a 'yes' and manager PD smiled.

"Ok, this is going to be a lot less difficult than you might think, it's already set for the time, exactly six years back. Now, all you need to do is go inside the machine, press the blue button and then wait. When you get to your destination, the doors will open and you can walk out. You will be in the old building, but I made sure you will arrive in a room no one would be in. Basically, do whatever you want while you are there, as long as it's a smart thing to do. When you are ready to come back, just do what you did to leave."

Everyone nodded and started to walk towards the machine, the two doors were already open, so we got in and sat down in the seats. The doors started to close, manager PD waved goodbye to us as they did. I reached over and put my hand over the only blue button in the thing, "is everyone ready?" I asked. After hearing a chorus of "yes!" I pushed the button.

All of a sudden, everything went black and I felt like I was being both pulled up and pushed down. "Hyung!" I heard Jungkook yell, I also heard Jimin yelp and Taehyung shriek. I let out a groan and let my head fall back, it was the weirdest feeling ever. After roughly a minute, it all stopped. I stopped feeling the pressure and there was light again, though it was blinding since we were in pitch black.

The doors opened and we all stepped out into what looked like an oversized closet. I didn't pay attention to the other members, I was too focused on catching my breath. "Everyone, let's meet back up here in an hour with your younger self ok?" I heard Jin ask, everyone responded with an "ok" and then I heard a door open and footsteps walk out

I looked up and saw that Jin was the only one left in the room. I smiled and motioned for him to go out of the door, "go on, I'll see you in an hour." Jin nodded and smiled before walking out of the door. I followed him but went in the opposite direction. I didn't know exactly where I would be, so I thought my dorm would be a good place to start.

I had gotten lucky, after I opened the door which I knew to be mine quietly, I saw a younger me sitting on the bed. He was thankfully facing the opposite direction. I almost laughed, remembering the silly looking haircut I had once sported. I walked into the room quietly and towards the younger me.

I was sitting there, looking out the window. I stood right behind him and looked out at the view I had looked at for hours on end years ago. "Mind if I join you?" I asked calmly, I saw myself jump a little when I talked, but younger me turned towards me and nodded. I was, of course, wearing glasses, so I didn't think he knew who I really was yet. Plus, who would know the future version of them immediately upon seeing them right?

I sat down next to myself and stared out at the city. We sat in silence for a little while before younger me spoke up, "I hate to be rude, but, who are you?" I turned to myself and smiled, "my name is Kim Namjoon, just like yours." I saw my own eyebrows furrow slightly, "I'm sorry, I don't understand." I nodded, " I don't expect you to yet."

The younger me nodded, though he was clearly confused. "I'm you Namjoon, but from 2019." I wish I could see my own reaction just the glasses, "you're, you're what?!" I smiled, "I'm you from 2019," the younger me smiled. "Wow, I, I can't believe it!" I nodded, the younger me suddenly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

He lifted his head up and whispered into my ear, "did we do it? Did we make it?" I hugged myself and patted the younger me's back. I thought I felt tears on my back as I replied, "yes Namjoon, we did it. We made it, do you want to see?" He pulled away and nodded, he also took off his glasses. I could see he had shed a few tears.

I pulled out my phone I had thankfully grabbed and searched the most recent video of us at the Rose Bowl stadium. "Wait, I'm not familiar with where that is, is that a new stadium that got out up recently?" Younger me asked after seeing what I had searched, I shook my head. "No, that's in America. We made it over there too Namjoon, we even went to the Grammys."

I saw my own eyes start to tear up again, "we, we did?" I nodded and played the video of us doing Fake Love. After the video ended, Younger me hugged me again. "I, I can't believe it. There were so many people there," he was now full on crying. "They were all there for us," I nodded and patted myself on the back again.

"Now, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about anything you showed me ok? Also, when was the song released, I wanna make sure I don't write it when I'm not supposed to." "2018," I responded. Younger me smiled and nodded, "ok, are we all ok? I mean like, is everyone doing good in the future?" I nodded, "yeah, we are good money wise, health-wise, and mentally as well. Though we are all always going through our own difficulties, we are all happy about our future. And I wouldn't have it any other way, you made the right choice Namjoon, I promise you everything will get better."

Younger me nodded and wiped a tear from his eye, I looked down at my phone again and saw that an hour had already passed, already?! "Hey, you wanna meet the others?" I asked, younger me nodded eagerly. "Of course I do, I wanna see how everyone else is doing." We both got up and walked to the door, younger me stopped me in front of a mirror hanging on the wall.

I smiled as I saw his eyes look over both of us. "I grow up so much don't I?" He asked. I nodded, honestly I had grown up so much. "Hey Namjoon, don't listen to what some people might say alright? Many people are going to start trying to bring you down once you get to a certain point," I turned and rested my hands on my own shoulders.

Younger me looked me dead in the eyes as I finished, "I want you to stay strong ok? You deserve everything you got, you worked so hard for it all, and no matter what they say, you aren't ugly in any way, you got that?" Younger me nodded, a straight look on his face. "Ok, I'll try not to let it get to me." I smiled and wrapped my arm around him as we started to walk out of the door again. I led him to the room where everyone else was.

-Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think about Namjoon's reaction? I hope you guys liked it, who should I write next? Please tell me who you would like down in the comments! I love you all so much! Have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

But, We're BTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن