t w e n t y f o u r

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Negan stopped in front of Abraham Ford.  The ginger man only continued to glare at him. My heart began to ache, he looked so strong but he was going to meet his end. He was a survivor, and always put others first. 

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, we'll cut the boys other eye out, feed it to his father. And then we'll start." Negan said leaning back dramatically. I watched as Abraham raised two fingers in the direction of Sasha. A peace sign. "You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that."

Negan raised Lucille above his head and swung down hard on Abraham's head, there was a gruesome crack that I could only imagine being his skull. The red head went down for a split second only to  bring himself back up and glare at Negan one last time. 

"Ho ho! Look at that, taking it like a champ!" Negan cried out as he looked at our friend dying.

 "Suck.. My.. Nuts.." Abraham grunted out in typical Abraham fashion. Those were his last words before Negan brought the bat back down onto his skull. Over and over and over  again. 

"Did you hear that?" Negan asks winded before mocking our deceased friend. "He said, 'suck my nuts'"

Once more he began to brutally beat our friend. Cries could be heard, mostly from Rosita, Sasha, and Eugene. But everyone was emotional at this point.

Abraham was unrecognizable by now. What was once a head and face, was a bloody mess of brain and skull. I want to look away but I can't. 

"Oh my goodness!" Negan shouts swinging Lucille around causing blood to splatter over Ricks face. "Look at this! You guys, look at my dirty girl!"

He then walks over to Rosita who is to my right. Placing the bat filled with her ex-boyfriends blood and brains right next to her face. "Sweetheart, lay your eyes on this." From the corner of my eye I see dad begin to get angry. We all are, but there's nothing we can do. "Oh damn, were you- were you together? That sucks. But if you were you should know, there was a reason for all this. Red? And hell, he was, is, and forever will be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team! So take.. a damn look."

She's silent, only whimpering, and wheezing. She can't bring herself to look up at the bat, and she stares blankly at the mans shoes. "Take a damn look!" 

It's enough to make my dad snap. From my left, he gets up quickly, and lands a punch right in Negan's face. He tries to go for more but he's stopped quickly. I watch helplessly as two of Negan's men tackled him to the ground and Dwight pointed my fathers own crossbow at his head.

"Dad!" I cried out while Rick yelled his name. 

"No!" Negan yelled pointing the bat at Rick and then myself. He took a few steps back before pointing at dad. "That? Oh my! That, is a no-no!" 

My lip quivers as I watch as the men hold my dad's head down into the gravel. He makes eye contact with me and the look on his face is pure fear. Negan crouches next to dad

"The whole thing, not one bit of that shit flies here!" Negan yells. 

"Do you want me to do it?" Dwight asks his leader, as he holds the crossbow unsteadily above dad's head. "Right here."

Negan then grabs dad's hair, forcing his head to come up.Dad grunts and squeezes his eyes shut. He's looks like a wounded animal.

"No." Negan says and I can feel myself let out a small breath. "No, you don't kill that. Not until you try a little."

Dad's dragged back into line next to me. It takes every piece of me not to crawl to his aid. To make sure he's okay. But I know I can't. One wrong move is all it takes with Negan. 

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