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So far, most of the time at Alexandria has been spent getting to know the community. There's no obvious threat lurking around every corner and it feels safe. Although, not safe enough for me to let my guard down. 

I exit the door and hold it open for Carol who looks like your average housewife. Dad is once again sitting on the porch, making some sort of adjustment to his crossbow. I'm not sure he's actually gone out and met anybody yet. 

"Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles!" Carol says with mock excitement. 

"What?" Dad questions in confusion briefly looking up towards the woman. 

"Make dinner for the older people. Mom's who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbors that way." She explains. 

"Alright." Dad scoffs.

"Have you taken a shower yet?" She asks. 

"Mmhmm." Dad lies and it's obvious he does so.

"Daddy you have enough dirt on you to become a dirt road." I say crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Take a shower." Carol says threateningly. "I'm gonna wash that vest. We need to keep up appearances, even you."

"Hey, I ain't starting now." Dad calls after her as she goes down the stairs.

"I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep!" She says and I believe her. 

"You look ridiculous!" Dad yells to the retreating woman childishly. He goes back to messing with his crossbow and I give him mine figuring it probably needs some touchups also. 

"Have you seen Elisa?" I ask and he shrugs. "I haven't seen her since we got here."

"I think she's at the daycare." He mutters. 

"I'm gonna see how she's settling." I tell him shoving my hands into my pockets. "and Daddy?"

"Hm?" He responds not looking up. 

"If you don't shower, I'll hold you down while Carol grabs the hose." I say giggling as I run down the steps. 

"I'd like to see you try." He says scoffing. "Be careful!" 

"Always." I say walking down the street. On the way there I see Mikey and Ron. 

"Hey Cherokee!" They call over waving at me. 

"Hey Ron, Mikey." I say stopping as I near them. 

"Are you going to school today?" Mikey asks with his hands in his pockets. 

"Actually I'm looking for the daycare," I say. "any idea where that is?" 

"Yeah, just follow me." Ron says. "I'll catch up to you later Mikey."

He begins to lead me through the streets of Alexandria. We pass by many neighbors who are chatting amongst themselves about anything and everything. The weather, food, a pasta maker?

"Look, we're sorry about yesterday." Ron tells me. 

"Oh, it's no worries." I say sheepishly trying to avoid this conversation. 

"No,  it wouldn't be the first time we've come on too strong." He admits. "We don't really get many new kids, and we don't exactly know what they've been through." 

"Yeah, well I've seen a lot of things." I tell him fiddling with my thumbs. "and done a lot of things."

"You ever kill someone?" He asks catching me off guard. I stop in my tracks looking at the boy in awe. Who in their right mind just asks if they've killed someone. Especially someone they've only just met!

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