Summer special - The show

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She was a 26-year-old, freshly out of drama school LA dreamer with hopes of becoming an actress. For me her attitude was amazing, sounded professional, ambitious and she seemed like a young woman who can't be intimidated by someone like Jared.

I haven't talked to Jared at all for the last month as so many new things happened to me as well and I wasn't the typing kind of person, I wanted to talk to him and tell him everything that has happened but we never seemed to find time which would be good for both of us to have a long call.

And truth be told, I missed him.

I missed him a lot. There was no day I did not think about him and all I knew is what I have seen on social media. Seemingly fine, having the time of his life, so put together regardless of the change of countries day by day. But he is more complex than an incredible smiley face on camera dressed in clown rugs of Gucci.

I couldn't wait two more months for him to be back in LA and that is when I realized they are actually going to perform in Edinburgh, Scotland.

My hometown.

That is when the idea of me carving out time to fly back home for a weekend and see him live hit me.

I wanted to surprise him and hoped that we not only going to be able to catch up but also could show him around the city, hopefully.

It only took a call to get the tickets to the VIP section in front of the stage and the stage pass after the show.

But I wanted to see them live. I have never actually been part of their concert. Now it was the perfect time.

I was excited and nervous at the same time and happy that I was able to drag along my cousin.


The show was incredible. Highly different from the other side of the stage. I could hear more than just the instruments and feel the beat in my chest.

A huge smile appeared on my face when Jared walked out onto the stage in a simple tank top and a not so simple black and red kilt.

He was praising Scotland and their unique fashion, as well as the country itself.

His performance was highly energetic. He had a huge Scottish flag with what he was jumping around during numerous songs. The audience went crazy too.


"These guys know how to put on a show," Lynn said out of breath as we were walking with two security guards to the backstage area.

She put up her long brown hair in a ponytail halfway through the show. We literally were jumping around after just a couple of songs. Jared's energy radiated through the crowd there was no soul on the floor simply just standing.

Jared had me in tears at some point, no shame.

Seeing him on stage always warmed my heart.

Seeing him in his happy place, showing gratitude towards the crowd, appreciating every single soul in the stadium, sharing his spotlight with them, sharing his dreams with them, with the biggest, truest smile on his face and the brightest light in his eyes was all I needed to never question his deeds, and all I needed to make sure I give him back as much as I can by being there for him any time he needs it. Because he gives so much of him to so many people.

Going through a big steel door we finally arrived at the backstage area with wires and stage sets all around.

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