Part 32

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One year later

"I can't believe I let you drag me to this thing" I say

"It's gonna be fun" Sam says. "And plus, showing up and talking to the press is part of your deal with Ramon so that he won't sue you"

"Yeah I haven't forgotten" I say

"You can thank Lauren for that, she went to talk to the ceos herself" he says

"...yeah I'll pass" I say

"Oh come on y/nn it's been a year" he says. "She's said she was sorry on just about every public press opportunity she's had"

"She can say whatever she wants Sam, words are nothing without action, and she's done nothing" I say

"Fine" He says crossing his arms. "Are you nervous?" He asks

"Kinda" I laugh

"It'll be fine, I won't leave your side" he says


"Y/n over here!" A interviewer says

"Hey" I hesitated

"Hi how are you?" She asks

"I'm good" I smile

"I didn't think you'd be here tonight with everything that happened" she says

"Yeah me either" I say. "But I'm still credited as codirector for some scenes shot in the film and you've got to forgive and forget right?"

"Exactly! Are you and Lauren still close?" She asks

"We haven't really been close for a few years now" I smile

"Really I'm sorry to hear that, I was really rooting for you guys" she says

"Yeah well I don't think someone can make a movie like this about someone and make it out as best friends after" I laugh

"Yeah I get that" she says

"She always manages to sneak back into my life somehow so who knows, maybe one day. There's just a few more open wounds left" I

"She's just got to pay it forward. My guess is she's gonna spend the next few months trying to make it up to you somehow" she laughs

"I don't know about that" I laugh

"I mean you've seen all her press tour interviews right? She talks you up in every one" she says

"Yeah I heard about that" I say

"And now did you hear that all the movies proceeds are going towards restructuring the foster care system and helping families who are victims of abuse?" she asks

"What?" I say

"Yeah every cent, you didn't know?" She says

"No I didn't" I say. "...That's amazing"

"Its an interesting charity to pick, most celebrities choose more well know charities, I wonder why she choose these two?" She says

"Yeah.. me too" I smile


"Sam!" Lauren says as Sam goes to hug her

"Congrats babe, I'm so happy for you" he smiles

"I am too" I smile

"Y/n?" She says surprised. "You came"

"Yeah I'm kinda contractually obligated to" I say

"Oh" she says

"But I'm glad I did... I heard you're giving away all proceeds to fixing the foster care system and helping families of abuse" I say

"Yeah, it just didn't seem right to just keep the money for myself after everything" she says

"Thank you" I say

"Listen Y/n, I know I'm a piece of shit and it's gonna take a lot for you to forgive me but, just know that I am so sorry for everything. I wish I could go back and change how stupid I was" she says

"I know" I say. "And I can't say I completely forgive you yet but the charity was a nice touch" I laugh

"Have you read about what's happening? All those kids with no family or support system to turn to. Our government throws many of them in juvenile detentions or shitty group houses and demands they call it home. No view of a happy future, someone's gotta change that" she says

"Wow, you've really done your research" I smile

"Sorry I get really passionate about things like this" she says

"Yeah I know" I smile

"Where's Noah?" She asks

"Oh... we broke up..." I say

"Oh" she says

"Yeah a few months ago actually" I say

"Are you okay?" She asks

"Yeah we just had different paths" I say

"Life will do that to you sometimes. Bring people together just to rip them apart" she says

"But sometimes it's the other way around right?" I say

"Yeah... " She smiles

"I'm I hallucinating or are you two talking like friends?" Sam says

"No you're definitely hallucinating" I laugh

"100% we would never" Lauren laughs

"Knew it" He laughs

"Y/n?" Lauren says pulling me aside

"Yeah?" I say

"Thank you for everything, I know I dragged you through hell" she says

"Yeah I can't say your lying there" I say. "But how about a truce?" I say putting my hand towards hers

"Truce" she smiles shaking my hand

"I'm starving, please tell me there's actual food in here" I say walking towards the theater

"Just popcorn actually" she says

"Damnit" I whine

"But there's this nice pizza place down the street I bet you'll like, we could go later if you want- Sam too of course.." she says

"I like pizza" I smile

"I know" she smiles back. "... And maybe I can get to know this new you I've heard so much about"

"...Yeah that sounds cool" I smile

"Ok cool" she smiles

"Cool" I say

"Cool!" Sam says

"Shit! Sam almost forgot you were there" I say

"Kinda like old times huh?" Lauren laughs

"Oh HELL NO, I refuse to be a side hoe, move" he says pushing himself in between Lauren and I

The End 😊

5 Years Later • (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now