Chapter Five- Edited

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***Warning: this chapter contains harsh content like rape and torture. If you are easily triggered by content like this, please skip to the next chapter and I will give a brief recap on what happened in this chapter. If you are willing to continue with this chapter, please be aware that this did not happen in real life, this is fiction. I hope you can understand that and thank you for heading my warning.***

Rumlow forced me to stand up causing me to stumble just a little bit but I think he knew I was a little numb to the situation. Then I realized something. Rumlow was on the bad side... he knew Bucky was alive. I grew angry and kicked backwards, successfully kick him in the testicles. He fell over and groaned, holding himself as if to ease the pain. I turn around to look at him. He glares up at me and I return the glare.

"That was for hiding him from me." I snarled. I then did a round house kick across the face, causing him to spit out blood. "That was for using him against me." I then picked him up and held him in front of me by the collar of his arm. "If I find out that you are keeping him from me when I free myself from HYDRA, I won't hesitate to kill you." I threatened. He just continued to glare at me but chose not to say anything. I shove him away and take a step back, holding my wrists out for another STRIKE member to cuff. I kept my gaze on Rumlow as I felt the cuffs tighten but showed no pain when they became too tight for me. They began to pull me to the van was Sam, Nat, and Steve were in but Rumlow spoke up.

"No." We all turn to him. "Pierce wants her with the asset." He said, pointing to the other van where Bucky was sitting in. I give him a confused look and turn to Steve.

'I will do what I can to bring him back to us.' Steve gave me a nod as I was pulled away from the van. I was shoved into the van where I sat across from Bucky. He just stared at me blankly as I crouched down to walk to my seat which is directly across from him.  I continue to make eye contact with with while everyone took their seats. Once the car started moving, I decided to finally speak to him. (A/N I am using a translator app so if the translations are incorrect, I'm sorry and if you can, please write me the correct translation)

"Вы можете говорить на других языках, кроме русского? Или язык, который другие не понимают?" {Can you speak any other languages other than Russian? Or a language that the others don't understand?} I asked. He frowned and looks around at the others as if to ask permission to speak to me. He looks to Rumlow who I can see is looking at me in confusion since he never heard me speak Russian before. Then again, I didn't know the language until ten minutes ago. Rumlow looks between Bucky and I and hesitantly gives him a nod, as if wondering how the conversation will go.

"Română." (Romanian.)He responded. I nod and give a small smirk to myself as I had just learned a new language.

"Deci nimeni de aici în afară de tine și cu mine nu putem vorbi românește?"{So no one here except you and I can speak Romanian?} I asked for confirmation. He gave me a look of shock but it was gone as soon as it came but he nods in response. "Bine. Știi cine sunt?"{Good. Do you know who I am?}  I asked. He nods.

"Tu ești Evangeline Rogers. Ești îngerul Americii și ești misiunea mea."{You're Evangline Rogers. You're America's Angel and you're my mission.} I frown in confusion.

"Misiunea ta? Care a fost misiunea ta?"{Your mission? What was your mission?} I asked, leaning forward just a little. I could feel Rumlow's eyes on me but I continued to ignore him.

"Să te omor." {To kill you.} He said. I smirk and raise an eyebrow.

"Din ce am auzit despre soldatul iernii, e greu de crezut că sunt încă în viață acum. De ce sunt încă în viață, Bucky?" {From what I have heard about the Winter Soldier, it's hard to believe that I am still alive right now. Why am I still alive, Bucky?} I asked. He frowned when I mentioned his name.

Forever and Always (Bucky Barnes x OC) *Long Chapters*Where stories live. Discover now