Chapter 27

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Tayah P.O.V

I clapped my hands along with everybody else as Michael and Chris both signed there drafting papers.

"Welcome to the San Antonio Warriors." Coach Brady smiled shaking both of their hands as the press took pictures.

"That's my baby." Mama P said as a tear rolled down her face.

"Awe don't cry mama." I smiled before hugging her.

"He's just came such a long way." She said wiping her tears. "Even got me a grand baby."

I laughed a little as I seen King sitting down next to me with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Daddy's gonna be on tv?" He asked.

"Yup." I said popping the P.

"Where Aunt Honey?" He asked.

"She was uh, busy and couldn't make it." I lied.

We all knew why Honey wasn't here and honestly right now, I'm on Chris's side. She changed so much since she started hanging out with Lea and I hated it. So she can either get it together and come back to the crew or stay away.

"Thanks to all who came to support our newcomers, see you on the court." The man said closing out the whole drafting session. Millions of camera'a flashed as Michael came and kissed me and ruffed Kings hair.

He then hugged Mama P and gave her a kiss on the cheek as Chris went over to his family.

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled.

"Thanks bae. I'm glad you rocking with me." He said back.

I pulled him closer so he could only here what I said next.

"I promise to make tonight memorable." I said.

He pulled away and licked over his lips.

"Don't get in trouble na'." He said.

"Daddy ! " King said jumping out of Mama P's arms and towards Michael.

"Hey little man." He said picking him up.

"Ms. Tay told me your gonna be on tv." He said.

"I am." He said.

While they had a conversation I decided I should go congratulate my nigga Chris, but when I looked around, I didn't see him.

I looked into the corner of the room seeing him and Honey there talking. It's been about a week since they talked and from what Michael told me, it's tearing his to pieces.

All I can do is hope for there relationship to continue.

"When Honey get here?" Michael asked.

"Just now I guess. She was probably here the whole time we just ain't notice." I said .

"I hate seeing him down, I mean, it's our big day and he can barely be happy." He said.

I nodded my head to agree.

"I hope they work this out. I hope me and get work it out too cause we not on the best of terms right now." I said.

"Well , let's just push that to the side for now and be happy for ya boy." He cheesed holding up his jersey. #24.

"I love you, and I'm so, so, so, so, so very proud of you." I said looking up at him.

"I love you more baby." He said.


"Wake up baby." I said shaking Michael as my alarm clock went off signaling it was 7:00.

"It's time?" He mumbled.

"Yea." I said.

He sat up with sleep still written on his face before stretching and making his way into the bathroom to shower.

Today was his first day of practice as a NBA player and he was overly excited, whether he admitted it or not.

I went into the bathroom down the hall and brushed my teeth before checking on King to make sure he was alright. I walked in seeing him hanging off the side of the bed, with slobber all over the pillow. I laughed a little before carefully putting him back in place, making sure not to wake him.

I went into the kitchen to quickly make Michael some pancakes and some eggs. I couldn't send my man off to practice without feeding him.


"Thanks bae." He said kissing my cheek and placing his syrupy plate in the sink.

"No problem. Did you make sure Chris was up?" I asked.

He nodded before gulping down the rest of his Gatorade .

"I love you , okay? And tell King I said I love him too." He said grabbing his gym bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Aweeee, Mikey getting all soft." I teased.

"Hush little nigga." He laughed.

I took a step back and looked at my baby for a second. A million memories came to mind as I scanned his body. I can remember the 1st high school game of his I went to. He was flying up and down the court making shots left and right .

Tears started building up in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.

"I love you too. Do good today and work hard." I smiled.

"Bye baby." He leaned down and pecked my lips.

He gave me one last smile before leaving out the door.

I was officially a basketball girlfriend.


That's it for this book babes.

Epilogue .

I'll let you know as soon as it's posted.

I love y'all. Keep it Trill. ❤️✊

Different Game (Player's Change Sequel) Tyga StoryWhere stories live. Discover now