Chapter 28

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 David followed behind Piopold. They came across to the orange memory-erasing device and found it back in its place. Why hadn't she thought about the security cameras? She had been rash, but why was Piopold here? Had someone come back to the room before and found it missing? Did David know what she had done? She also still hadn't read the note that had dropped from the top of Codebreaker's door. Her mind had been busy and in a rush.

 She stayed where she was in the tunnels. The lights in Codebreaker's room was on. No defenses with any salt in them had been activated. She squirmed a little. The secret tunnels were narrow and the fact that they were narrow made her uncomfortable since she was taller than some people. Thankfully, she was under 6 feet tall. If she was 6 feet tall, she couldn't even get her head into the tunnels.

 "Lainey, I want to talk to you," Piopold called.

 "Piopold's here. I can get you out of here," her Shadow Rider nature said into her mind.

 "No thanks," Lainey replied in her mind.

 She started crawling back to David and Piopold, but part of her turned back. Had she been seen? She had to get to Mars. Why was she dragging herself further into this mess? Did David know about her incidents with the memory-erasing device? She was conflicted. David and Piopold had seen her. Piopold had even called her. They knew that she was here.

 She came forward. It was better to hear what they had to say now instead of later.

 "What is it?" Lainey asked, still thinking about what her Rider nature had told her earlier when she had been in the shower. Would she have to deal with the repercussions now? How far of a length would her Rider nature go to be satisfied? Would she level cities? Would she lock people in a black box with no provisions and no way to get out? Lainey didn't know if she could trust part of her own heritage, part of her own self. It felt like she was two separate beings. She did have her fingers crossed behind her back. Lainey jumped out of the tunnels and she was in front of the two men.

 "Since you've met my contact, Nathan, would you be interested in rejoining the Magicians again undercover as a reformer?" Piopold inquired, stepping closer to her.

 "How does that merit a discussion? I would be interested, but I don't want anything to do with this," Lainey replied. Why had she let her intentions slip before these two people? David and Piopold of all people.

 "Lainey, regardless of where you go on the planet, there will always be Magicians hunting for you. The Riders, Pumpkin, Emerald, the pumpkin race, and the Magicians will never stop hunting for you. Whether you like it or not, David's mansion is one of the only safe places on Earth for you to be besides rejoining the Magicians. You will be dragged into this no matter where you go. Not even other planets will be 100% safe, especially from Riders since they can teleport almost wherever they want to go. The forces of Light won't be able to protect you forever. This doesn't just simply merit a discussion. It is simply a fact," Piopold passionately said. He indignantly threw down his cane where he was standing on the ground.

 "My mind drifted to another world last night. Emerald, Pumpkin, and two of my friends from the Magician academy were there. There was this Lady and we weren't allowed to progress further down Memory Lane. Emerald told me that he would always be in my head and I almost told him that I wanted to go to Mars. I want to get away from all this and my plan is to go to Mars. Earlier, my Rider nature confronted me and told me to stay here to help you people, and part of me wants to. However, there will always be good in the world and I don't have to do anything because good guys will always fight to save people's lives. Good will also fight to help the economy and against the economic depressions in places like Oak Ridge, Rhode Island," Lainey said, keeping her cool. Did she want to tell them about Codebreaker being a spy and about Emerald being in his room? That was one of the only logical explanations for that. She needed to find out about Codebreaker's relationship with Emerald, and about her suspicions.

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