Chapter 5

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  She almost couldn't believe it. When she had been a magician, Codebreaker was her worst enemy and her entertainment as well. It was crazy to think about how he would be the one to unknowingly catch her this time. All those times she had been captured by Codebreaker when she was the Shadow Rider was different because she had magical masks on her appearance to stop anyone from figuring out her real identity. Prison was an easy place for her to escape from; Sometimes, she had been broken out by other magicians who cared enough about her contribution to the cause of 'bringing light to the world' to bring her back.

  One of these magicians' name was Emerald. He had been her mentor inside the cause and he had taught her almost everything he knew. He taught her how to lie and to build up people's trust by gradually flowing yourself into any situation. Whatever she did, she had to get out of this situation because getting herself to Mars was her goal. Past memories flooded through her of her old life. The reminder of Emerald shook her to her core. She didn't want to think about how he turned his 'creation' into a beautiful liar. He made her hate the concept of lying. Over the course of many years, she'd always justified her lying by the popular phrase of how the ends justified the means and she had believed those ends were a paradise for all people of all backgrounds. Codebreaker and Lainey walked away from the battle towards brighter lights. Shadows flicked and were swimming after the both of them. "Of course, it's me, Anne. Have you gotten blind now?"

 "No. I'm not blind," Lainey responded.

 "You've changed your appearance." He remarked. "Why did you do that?"

 "I've just decided to get a new look because I was going for vintage piercings and colorful hair because I just know my aunt and my grandma will love the imagination at the surprise party tomorrow." She lied. She used breathing techniques to stop her hands from shaking. She despised lying. Lies ripped families apart and they could ruin people's lives. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She pushed past the guilt. She had to get to Mars. Had. To. Get. To. Mars. At. Any. Cost.

 "Oh, cool." Codebreaker calmly commented. Did he suspect something? In the middle of the road, powerlines violently fell to the ground! As the powerlines stumbled, charges of electrical energy shot out, rippling in a wave throughout the air, and they were almost caught in the line of fire. In the blink of an eye before all shadows could catch up for them, Codebreaker pulled out his swords and his suit began to fly. He picked up Lainey and carried her. The jet-pack began to lose steam! Codebreaker and Lainey rolled onto a rooftop. He protected Lainey from being hit by the impact! The lights were fading. When the lights faded, it would be a nightmare zone for a dark and frightful battle. Lainey's heart banged like a hammer inside her ears.

Meeting them on the rooftop, a figure with a black mask with two purple triangles for eyes strolled out of the darkness. It was the new Shadow Rider. Only a previous Shadow Rider could notice what the new one looked like and Lainey was shocked by what she saw. She fainted.

Lainey and the Magicians (First Draft)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang