Chapter 8

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Upon leaving Asgard, you made your way back to the tower with Loki and Thor in tow. Once there, you went to the common room where you found everyone suited up and ready to battle Loki.
    " What is he doing here?" Tony all but growled.
    " He's here because of me" you replied slightly annoyed.
    "I'm sorry what?" tony asked.
    "He's staying with me by Odin's orders. Odin thinks I'm dangerous and sent Loki to keep an eye on me." you replied.
    "Why does he think you're dangerous? No offense" asked Nat.
Loki finally spoke up saying, " Lady (Y/N) cast a very powerful spell that affected all of Asgard. She was unable to remove it without guidance. Therefore, Odin thought it best to watch over her for hers and others safety."
    "Why should we believe you? You attack the planet and caused untold damage in New York. Your not the most reliable source" tony spat.
    Thor, who had up until now been standing quietly, stepped forward and offered his recount of what happened in Asgard. How everything Loki had told them was true, and that this was in fact Odin's decree. The team was baffled that the 'wise' Odin had thought Loki would make a good babysitter, but who were they to argue with a god from myth.
    So that is how you came to be living in the Avengers tower again. This time with Loki and Thor on the same level as you. Tony had said that it was to let Loki be closer to you and for thor to keep an eye on the both of you but you knew it was just to keep Loki away from the others. They didn't trust him as far as they could throw him. Tensions were high in the tower for awhile until something happened to change their minds about loki.
A few months after you had returned, you fell into a new routine. Wake up, eat, practice magic with loki all morning, work out, and chill. This is what your days consisted of with the occasional addition of an easy mission. The team didn't let loki tag along on these even with the ease at which they were dealt with. This turned out to be a mistake.
While on a routine mission to clear out a potential Hydra base with Cap, Natasha, and Tony, you ran into some unexpected trouble. The base turned out to in fact be run by Hydra. How did you find this out you may ask. Well when one of said agents lit the building on fire with you and the team inside. This wouldn't have been a problem normally but it just so happened that they had somehow managed to send out an emp that disabled Tony's suit. He was effectively trapped in a metal burrito that would not move or open. You had tried everything you would normally do to move him but nothing worked. Not even with the extra help your wings provided were you able to budge the tin can. This grew dire when the flames started to close in and the building began to fall apart. You were becoming frantic and your anxiety was getting the better of you. When the flames began to burn the delicate black feathers of your wings you had had enough. You lost control of the magic that coursed through you. During this emotionally trying time your powers took over. The flames that once burned you and slowly fried Tony, now swirled around you. Not scorching anything but what you directed them towards. Cap and Natasha had managed to get Tony out of the suit while all of this was going on. They now watched in shock and amazement at what you were able to do. The way the flames obeyed you mesmerised them. That is until you started to burn everything in your path in your panic. The team didn't know what to do. They tried calling out to you to stop, that it was over and tony was fine but you didn't listen or didn't hear them. Things were started to get out of hand when after the team had left the building the flames continued to grow with you inside. The entire building was up in smoke at this point. There was no way that anyone could get to you to get you out.
"We should call in Loki" Natasha said calmly.
"What do you think he would be able to do, huh?" Tony scoffed.
"More than we can, put aside you grudge against loki for just a minute and think. Who do we know that is a master at this sort of stuff. Do not say strange, that man has nothing on Loki in experience." natasha quipped.
"Fine call in Reindeer games."
From the time the call was made to the time Loki appeared was a matter of seconds. What he saw nothing could have prepared him for. As he went into the flames, at great risk to himself mind you due to being a frost giant, he saw you sitting in a ball on the ground. Your knees were pulled up to your chest with your arms wrapped so tightly around them that your  knuckles were white. The tears streaming down your face were unnerving to loki, but this wasn't even the worst part. No, the rapid ragged breaths you were taking and the way your whole body shook were what really worried loki.
Slowly Loki approached where you were. Moving as one would toward a scared animal. As he drew closer to your spot he began to try to talk to you and calm you.
"Y/N, its okay, everyone got out. Even the annoying tin man is safe from harm. You can stop now. Everyone is okay." Loki cooed.
" I-I can't. I don't... I don't know how. I don't know how I'm doing this." you stammered out. Trying to take deeper breaths in between sentences. Your body still on high alert with all the adrenaline coursing through your body with no outlet but the storm of fire around you.
" It's alright y/n, it's going to be alright. I need you to listen to me though. Can you do that for me darling?" loki calmly asked.
"Y-yes" you mumbled.
" Good. Good. Now y/n I'm going to come closer, is that alright?"
You nodded your head, still to hyper to try speaking again. Loki slowly closed that last few yards that were between you. He kept his hand low and in front of him as to not startle you. Ever so slowly he wrapped his arms around your upper body and rocked back and forth in slow motion. The adrenaline had begun to subside as he continued his ministrations. The flames however, did not let up.
"Y/n, I'm going to try to subdue you powers for a short time. This is only to stop the flames from spreading. Hopefully extinguishing them as well."
You began to breath quicker, your magic had become a part of you in the short time that you had used it. The thought of having it taken away from you scared the crap out of you. Which didn't help the situation at all.
" n-no no don't take my magic, please Loki, please. Tell me how to put out the flames I promise I can do it. I promise. Please don't take my seider," you began to wail.
Loki's heart was breaking for you. He knew the bond one created with their seider. It was almost indescribable. The closest thing to it would be that of the bond between a mother and child. A bond that ran deep and was naturally strong and deep with many emotional ties.
"I know you could darling. Shush shush, I know. I won't take your seider darling, never." Loki assured you, all the while cursing himself for what he knew he had to do. Raising his hand and gently stroking your hair as one would console a crying child, Loki began to place a sleeping charm over you. " I know darling, rest now. It will all be better when you wake. I swear."
You started to relax into loki the longer he stroked your hair. Eyes becoming heavy and breathing slowing you started to fall asleep. With the last few moments of alertness you had you mumbled out a sad, "don take my seider, pwease... jus help me use it better. Pwease Loki." After a few more seconds you succumbed to Loki's magic and fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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