𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧

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Yoongi was adopted, and this was the guy who had taken care of him until he got adopted. They were like brothers, and almost were but namjoons mother tore up the adoption papers.

Imagining being Jimins uncle by adoption? Yeah.. no thanks. Yoongi was partially glad his mother had ripped up those papers now.

It's only been an hour apart and he already misses the tiny boy.

Yoongi was so dumb he didn't ask for the boys phone number or anything. He could call his manager and ask but that sounds desperate.

However, Yoongi gave up and decided to go to a club to distract himself, surprised that it had been a whole day without the boy.

~~ Jimins house ~~

"Appa!" Jimin shrieked, gesturing towards the window.

Seokjin runs over to him. "Yes Jimin?"

"It's Yoongi hyung!" Jimin points outside to where a figure was, walking down the street towards a popular restaurant.

"I'm sure that's not him-"


"You're shorter than him, mochi-"


"Jimin! Don't raise your voice."

"I'll throw a tantrum at you." Jimin huffily crosses his arms and taps his foot annoyingly.

"Okay! Fine fine, go on. Walk safely and don't-"


Jimin ran out the door in a flash, forgetting his jacket as he ran down the street, ignoring the darkening sky and the small drops of rain landing on his face.

He reaches the restaurant and he runs inside, looking around to see Yoongi wasn't there. He turned back around to run out and it was now pouring.

He sighs and spots Yoongi walking towards his house. He smiles and starts running towards him.

"Hyung! It's j-" Jimin suddenly trips and falls onto his hands, scraping them and his knees through his ripped jeans.

Jimins eyes tear up and he sniffles, standing up slowly and he whimpers, looking at his bleeding hands and knees.

He feels a hand on his shoulder. "Jiminie? Are you okay? Let's go to Hyungs house, okay?" Jimin sniffles and nods, walking next to Yoongi. He kicks a rock out of the way.

"Stupid stupid shoes.. Appa made me wear shoe laces. He know I can't t-tie my shoes.. (Insert cute angry face here)"

Yoongi smiles at the adorable boy. "Come on Jiminie, a little faster. Here." Yoongi stops under a tree and unzips his jacket, handing it to Jimin.

"T-Thank you s-.. I mean Hyung.." Jimins cheeks flush a light pink and Yoongi ruffles his hair. "Now come on, its cold out here, cutie."

Jimin smiles when they reach Yoongis house. Jimin suddenly stops. Yoongi turns and tugs on Jimins sleeve.

"Jimin? Whats wrong?" Jimin frowns. "I'm thirsty." Yoongi smiles.

"I'll get you some orange juice. Now come inside.. it's raining." Jimin nods and walks inside, looking around.

"Orange juice?" Yoongi smiles. "I know, I'm getting your orange juice cutie. Sit down on the couch and I'll be right there."

Yoongi started pouring the orange juice when he heard a scream from the bathroom. "Jimin?!"

Yoongi ran into the living room, through the hall to the bathroom where it came from. He quickly turned the handle and opened it to see Jimin stood up on the closed toilet seat.

"SPIDER BIT ME! OWWY!" Jimin is about to cry when Yoongi sees a huge ass house spider. "HOLY SHIT HOLD UP"

Yoongi screeches and grabs toilet paper, wadding it up and picking the spider up before flushing it down the toilet which Jimin had hopped off of. (Pretend the spider can swim ok)

Jimin hugs Yoongi and snuggles his head into Yoongis neck, Yoongi blushing.

"A-Ahm.. Jimin.. your o-orange juice." Jimin hopped back and ran towards the kitchen to grab it, leaving Yoongi a blushing mess.

~1 hour later~

An hour had passed and Jimin was sitting next to Yoongi currently, about 5 inches apart. Jimin yawned, the time being 7pm. Jimin is so adorable, he must go to bed early. UwU

Yoongi looked over to Jimin. "Do you want to sleep here for the ni-"

"Yes! What should I wear?"

Yoongi smiles and shrugs. "Um. Just a shirt-?" Jimin hops up and starts pulling his pants off, Yoongi screeching because he was joking.

He got a flash of Jimins abs as Jimin pulled Yoongis sweater off and laid it on the couches arm.

Yoongis cheeks heated up at the mere sight of Jimin in his boxers and an adorable striped shirt.


"Yes jiminie?"

"I want to watch Netflix." Yoongi nods.

"Okay what should we watch?"

*5 minutes later*


"agghhh Jimin turn the tv down!"


"Jimin! I will CALL your Appa."


Yoongi smiles slightly, his heart warming at the sight of the cute boy. "You Wanna cuddle jiminie ?"

Jimin nods and runs over to Yoongi, who suddenly turns the couch into a bed and Jimin 'oo's and 'ah's at the pull out couch and Yoongi tries not to giggle.

"Here. Lay down Cutie. I'm going to put 'He is Psychometric' on. It's my favorite show." (An: this is actually my favorite show it's so fucking good WATCH 👏🏻 IT 👏🏻 )

Jimin nods before laying next to Yoongi, Yoongi behind Jimin as the face the Tv. Soon Yoongi scooches forward.

"I can't see the tv." Yoongi says, and Jimin moves his head down, moving back a bit and Yoongis crotch rubs against Jimin. Yoongi coughs at the awkward position and laughs before continuing to watch the show.

In the middle of the show Yoongi isn't even focused anymore, he's just eyeing the boy in front of hims curves, admiring every part of him.

"Hey Jimin?"

"Yes Hyung?"

"Do you work out?"

"Sometimes." Yoongi smiles.

"Can I feel your abs?" Jimin shrugs.


Yoongi smiles, Jimin putting his attention back to the tv and Yoongi soon fell asleep on Jimins shoulder, Jimin smiling warmly.

"H-Hyung-Ah? You're kinda cute.. you l-Look like a cat when you sleep-!"

It's hard // Yoonmin Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя