Rex kept his focus to his wife. She was the only one that needed to know anything (Or what Rex wanted her to know) Ethan could listen, but he was not going to have anything explained to him - And, if anything was said to him, it would be exactly what he needed to just do!

(Ethan was just a thing now)

Soon to be a very obedient thing.

Olive was assisted from the pickup, by a man that had suddenly appeared from the sliding doors. With him, were two more men (They went straight to the back of the pickup, and pulled Ethan out of his seat) Rex went and stood with Olive and his good friend, Mac. His real name was Linus Knox, but no one called him that. Being called Mac just worked out better.

Mac and Rex showed Olive to a lovely well-lit office, filled with beautiful green fern plants (Olive spotted some magnificent water lilies growing in large vases) She was most impressed with what she was seeing. She felt God would approve too!

Ethan was drag-walked to a well-lit room too. He was placed on a metal table (Restrained)...And given an injection. At first Ethan just wanted to rip everyone's head off, then he felt calm.   Then, he felt very "separate". His body was not connected to his brain, his arms felt like they belong to someone else, he couldn't feel his legs.    Ethan had a sick feeling.     Losing all sensation of one's body is not a goal by any description.

"We leave him here.   The doctors will be in at some stage.."        Two pairs of eyes looked at Ethan, Ethan tried to stare back (But, his eyes were rolling around in his head)

"He really is something to look at.   This place has been buzzing since the call came in!.."       That voice sounded too excited. Now, was definitely not the time to be "excited!" about a single thing.


"Where's Trinity?!     Where did she go?!..."       Stella stared out all faces in the room.     EB looked too, then she slowly looked at Stella (Placed a small hand on her arm)..."Sorry Stella.   Trust me..."           She too was out of the room, down the drive-way.....Out on the street.      No one had a chance to grab her, to hold her back.      She was following the screaming voice in my head.

I was out on the street, I wanted blood.  I wanted cracked bones.     I was not myself, I hadn't completely lost it...But, god help anyone who stood in my way.      No one, but no one takes Ethan (With the intentions they had) I found myself moving by thought, I only needed a quick thought - Vague image in my head (And, I was there)

This was a skill, I had never had before.

I was stunned a bit, but then that thought quickly passed. I stay standing on a street corner, my parents are at the house (And, I am not) I gave my head a shake (Focus! I need to think, move - Find!) A body was standing in front of me..."Trinity. Not alone. Don't do this alone. I'm here, we do this together.."

Small thin fingers touched my arm, EB hissed at a woman passing by - She gave EB a horrified look, kept walking (Bumped into a ticket-machine) EB turned to me, lead me down the street, we ended up in a small - Very smoke-filled bar. She pulled out stools, pushed me on to one.

Glanced at the bar attendant, gave him a look that told him to keep right on doing whatever it was he was doing. She put her focus back to me.

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