12. Let it Go

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"Why did you let me do that?"

"You looked like you were enjoying yourself, why would I stop you?"

"We had a job to do."

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing, you were meant to be taking me to the mirror."

"We would have gotten there eventually."

"Would we? It sure seemed like you were lost?"

"I was not lost."

Roman and Logan were once again so engrossed in their argument that they didn't sense Virgil and Patton's arrival.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I could tell by the way you took us straight to the mirror, that you knew exactly where you were going."

"It is a really big castle, Organic Panic!"

"Hey! You PROMISED not to mention that name again!"

"You were the one that was dancing around MY halls singing about it being your new name."

"I was under the influence of YOUR room, YOU..."

"Woah, there. Chill out, L." Virgil raised an eyebrow at the unconventional argument between Logan and Roman. "You are seriously losing your mature vibe right now."

Logan was quick to compose himself and smoothed his tie down. "Yes. You are quite right, Virgil. I am above such pettiness."

Roman folded his arms and scoffed, "Mr Maturity was the one who started it."

"And we are here to finish it." Patton added before Logan could fire back.

"Fine," Roman whined.

"I too, am willing to let the argument go," Logan added. "Roman, I forgive you for getting us lost while trying to locate the mirror."

Roman smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Well in that case, I forgive you for performing..."

"Nope," Virgil cut Roman off. It was obvious that Logan had been influenced by Roman's room and done something he was clearly embarrassed about. As much as he enjoyed the banter, Virgil wasn't about to let Roman take it too far and push Logan over the edge. "Let it go, Princey."

Roman looked at Virgil and sighed. "For real this time. Truce, Logan." Roman held his hand out to Logan and waited.

Logan accepted the gesture, "Truce."

"Well now, that is more like it," Patton smiled. "Nice work, Virgil."

"Thanks. Can I go now?" Virgil shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and took a few tentative steps back towards his door.

"Are you ok?" Roman asked, looking down at Virgil's arm where he had previously grabbed him. "I mean, is your arm ok now?"

"It's fine, Princey. It wasn't your fault. It was..." The words got caught in Virgil's throat as he realised how many bodies were present around him. Why can't I say it? I want to tell them now....I don't want to tell them though. Why is this still so hard?

Patton placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder and gave the side a reassuring smile.

Just like a Band-Aid. Virgil dropped his head and kept his eyes fixated on the floor as he quickly pulled his sleeve up to reveal his bruised and scarred arm.

"I helped deal with Depression years ago. This scar is the seal that keeps him locked away." Logan and Roman stared in stunned silence. Easy enough to say. Now to shut down any further questioning while I'm on a roll. "I was weak from getting us away from the impulses at the cliff; hence the easy bruising. It's no big deal, you just grabbed the wrong arm... Don't over think this too much, it's fine. I'm fine. Nothing needs to change."

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