La Résistance

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Rey's mouth dropped. She had always known there had been a resistance presence in the village, but had never heard the words spoken out loud before. Rey's mind was boggled; them giving her information that could cost their heads, seemed odd and risky. Sure she had known most of these people for all of her life, but she had never considered herself particularly close with any of them. Definitely not close enough for them to put their lives in her hands.

"What are you telling me that for?" Rey said, not being able to come up with a more appropriate response.

"Come inside first. We can't talk about this with the door wide open" Rey stepped inside the dark room and waited for Poe to answer her question. "...We need you to help us" Poe said, noting every part of Rey's reaction to his phrase. He saw her eyes widen, her breath stop, and could practically see the gears turning in her head. He knew if she started to overthink it then he would never be able to get her to help. And they needed her; desperately. 

"Rey, I know what you are thinking, but we need you. Your house more precisely; we need you to let us store some items at your house. You don't even have to be involved; I will drop them off and pick them up, whatever time works best for you and when the german commander staying with you won't be around. You won't get caught. Even if you did, you could claim innocence, say Finn put it there. They would believe you. And that german soldier staying would never suspect you, so if you put some effort in building a relationship with him, you could probably get him to turn a blind eye to doing the mandatory monthly searches on your home... You would never be caught..." Poe trailed off, desperate to see what Rey had to say. 

Rey didn't know what to say. She knew she could get away with it, without a doubt actually. It wasn't a concern to her about whether she would get caught, but rather that she would betraying the man she felt so deeply about by helping the resistance. She would be betraying Ren, and she didn't know if she could do that. But if she didn't, then she would be betraying her town, her people, her country...

"Rey, say something, si vous-plait" Poe said gently in response to her lack of answer. 

"I don't know..." Rey stalled for more time in hopes of finding a flaw in their plan and therefore and excuse "where would you put it?".

"In the basement, in the far corner, there's a hidden cellar. You probably don't know about it, but you have a hidden down there cellar that your late father in-law used to use during WWI to hide his expensive bottles of wine. Some of the elders in the village told us about it. We could store the items there and pick them up in a few weeks and drop them off at their next location" Poe responded swiftly. Everything checked out in Rey's mind, there were no excuses she could make.

"Wait, what are those items?" Rey asked.

"Rey, I am afraid the less you know, the more protected you will be if, a Dieu de déplaire, we were caught." Poe said. 

"Please say yes, Rey. I wouldn't be asking you and putting you in this situation if lives didn't depend on it. Please, Rey. For Finn, for everyone who died to protect the freedom of France. For that old man in the village who was beaten today. For yourself" begged Poe, sensing Rey's hesitation to help. 

Rey looked around her. Seeing for the first time how battered everyone in the room was. Then, a realization that would change the rest of her life slowly dawned on her; Ren didn't give up his duty to his country when he was with her, and she didn't think he was betraying her, so it would only be fair that she fighting for her country wouldn't qualify as her betraying him. Without another moments hesitation, Rey sealed her fate.


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