Du Sang

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Rey's mind was faintly aware of Ren nestled between her legs, his head on her bare chest, as she drifted off to a peaceful sleep. 


Rey yawned, stretching her sore muscles, strangely reveling in her pain. Rey sat up, looking for a bed sheet to cover herself with, only to notice Ren across the room carrying all the bedsheets to his room. 

"Ren, mon cher, give me a sheet to cover myself with" Rey said, smiling at the man she adored. 

"Ma chere, I will bring you some different ones. I will only be a minute", replied Ren, not turning to face Rey.

"Just give me one of those, I really don't mind. Here" Rey walked towards him, attempting to grab the sheets from him. Ren pulled the sheets even more into his arms, trying to block Rey from them with his back. 

"Ren! What are you doing! Just give me a damn sheet! I don't enjoy being naked for the whole world to see"

"No, Rey. These are not clean" responded Ren.

"What do you mean?" questioned Rey.

"God, Rey. Why do you make me say it. I don't want to say it" said Ren, the harshness in his tone edging back.

"Just spit it out Ren" said Rey, tired of Ren's games.

"They are covered with gunk ... and... other stuff from our joining... " said Ren, trailing off.

"and what is that other stuff?"

"Blood" said the defeated Ren.

"Blood?" replied Rey, arching her eyebrows in shock. Only then did Rey look down at her thighs. They were covered with dry blood and sticky with some clear liquid. She felt her face turn red, embarrassed at what her body had done. She turned back the sheets in Ren's arms, now noticing the blood stains he was attempting to hide from her. 

"But, I don't understand. I had my cycle nearly 2 weeks ago. It shouldn't start up again for at least another 2 weeks. 

"No, Rey. You misunderstand me. It had nothing to do with that... I've heard from the men in the barracks that it can happen when une femme  hasn't laid with a man before...It's perfectly normal, ma chere, it was simply a mark of your innocence. Proves you've been properly bedded" Rey went silent, with a blush fully displayed on her cheeks.

 "Don't worry about it, ma chere, I will get rid of the evidence and request that more sheets to be brought to you..." Ren said, trying to ease her embarrassment. He walked towards their joined door, turning back for one last comforting word; "I had a great time, Rey. I really did. You do something to me that no woman has ever done before; you make me feel innocent and capable to love and be loved. And, I meant what I said earlier, it wasn't the passion speaking, I really do love you". Ren planted a small kiss on Rey's lips and closed the door, returning to his room.

Loving the Enemy: A Reylo WWII StoryWhere stories live. Discover now