La Forêt

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Ren followed Rey as she  ran out the door and into the woods bordering her house. Ren desperately tried to follow her; the woods were constantly being patrolled by german soldiers looking for people trying to illegally cross into free France. If one of the soldiers mistook her as an escapee, she would be captured or shot on the spot. He would not let Rey die because of his unchecked burst of passion and loss of self control. She was right, he pushed her too far. 

Rey ran with tears running  down her face. Her heels were long gone, and her stockings were ripped and torn by the bushes she dashed through. Her feet were bloodied from the thorn bush near the entrance to the woods. She could hear Ren crashing through the brush behind her. However, she knew these woods - she knew she could lose him. Rey picked up the speed, running through a blackberry bush without hesitation. If she could just make it past the river up ahead, then she could definitely lose Ren.  Splashing through the creek, she became aware that she couldn't hear Ren's shouts for her anymore. The woods had changed since Rey had last been there, there was more there than originally met the eye. It is easy to say that Rey ran right into it, because she did. She ran right into the barbed wire; tangling herself in it head to toe. She fell down on the forest floor, trying not to make any movements as each wiggle ripped another hole in her flesh. The pain was unbearable; she cried out in pain as each new movement tore the air from her lungs. 

Ren had immediately became concerned when Rey disappeared from his line of vision. For the last few minutes, she had always been just off in the distance, yet now she had simply vanished. In just one second she had disappeared. 

"Rey! Where are you?" shouted Ren. Had a sniper taken her out? "REY!!! Please Rey! Are you okay?" screamed Ren now getting desperate. Had she simply escaped from his line of vision or was she bleeding out on the forest floor from a bullet wound at this very moment? 

Rey heard an unrecognizable voice in the distance. It was too far away to make out who it was over the roar of the creek right next to her. Should she call out and risk being taken by the Germans patrolling the forest. Within seconds, that decision was made for her. Suddenly, three men appeared above Rey. Germans. 

"Bonjour mademoiselle. Why look here boys, we caught ourselves a pretty little french escapee, now didn't we... Let's take her back to the barracks and give the boys a nice time. Us first of course" said the shortest of the German soldiers. Rey couldn't put up too much of a fight, she was stuck in the barbed wire, she would simply have to make an escape after they cut her out of it. The process of barbed wire removal took the men only a few minutes. Rey had expected them to use wire cutters to gently remove it, but the men simply tore the barbed hooks out of her skin, leaving her body covered in many small but deep wounds. Little dribbles of blood oozed from each. Just as the final barb was released, the short soldier handcuffed Rey to the tall soldier, ensuring she couldn't escape. Any chance she might have had to disappear back into the woods was gone. They marched her bleeding body to a nearby truck that was on the newly constructed German road that went through the forest, and loaded her into the car, strapping her into the seat, locking the door from the outside. They put a bag over Rey's head and her world went dark. 

Ren panicked. He was frantically searching for her. Eventually, he found a few of her foot imprints in the muddy riverbank a few hundred yards from where he had last seen her. Out of the corner of his eye, Ren saw something shiny. He ran towards it. It was barbed wire. Ren reached out his gloved hand and picked it up. There was blood on it; it was sticky with blood. Rey's blood. Ren went stiff. His head ached to think of the pain she must of been in and about the pain she was probably in now. There was no way Rey could have pulled this off of her herself, someone must have ripped it out of her since it wasn't cut with wire cutters. Obviously this person didn't care much about her if they would put her through such excruciating pain. It was not a far conclusion for Ren to draw that this person was a German soldier. He had seen the things that some of his men had done; and considering what he had seen them do in the most recent months to their whores, it did not surprise him. Ren knew where she was probably taken. If the man who took her hadn't already raped her in the forest, he would now be taking her to be further enjoyed by his friends back at the barracks. These men were in Ren's command. And Ren had to get there before the beasts got to his Rey.

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