The Barracks

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Author's Notes: Violence and sexual assault occurs in the following chapter. I didn't go into a whole lot of gory detail, but if this is a sensitive topic for you, then I would suggest skipping to the next chapter. Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave questions and comments!


Rey was unloaded from the truck; rather dragged from it. The bag was still over her head and the  handcuffs were biting into her raw hands. She heard a door open and was roughly pushed inside a room. Quickly, the german soldiers pulled the bag off her head. Once Rey's eyes adjusted to the light, she realized the level of harm she was in. There were around 10 men around her. All of them looked like they hadn't seen a woman in months and the stench of alcohol filled the room. The room was partially underground; there were small windows near the upper half of the wall. A light was flickering. A tall soldier unlocked her handcuffs and pushed her into the center of the room. Rey's feet left bloody footprints on the floor; her feet were still full of thorns and shredded from the barbed wire. Her hair was tangled. Her dress was tattered, leaving a large rip from the bottom to her upper thigh. The short man started to take off his hat, following it by taking off his jacket; hanging them on the chair behind him. The other men must have been fairly drunk as it took them a moment to realize that they were being saddled with his sloppy seconds. 

"Wait, why do you get her first. I'm the one who spotted her in the forest" said the tall soldier who Rey had been handcuffed too.

"You can see everything from your height; so it doesn't really count. Plus, you got that redhead girl in Lyon first." Replied the short soldier, now removing his shoes and socks while unbuttoning his pants. He dropped them to the floor, and promptly removed his underwear. Rey started stumbling backwards, away from the short naked german. One of the other men grabbed hold of Rey, forcing her still as the short man kept walking towards her, his nakedness fully displayed . Quickly, the man holding Rey in place, ripped what was left of her dress. All Rey had left on was her undergarments; a short silky shift. Rey closed her eyes trying to distract herself from what was happening to her. The short naked soldier reached her. He grabbed the hair at the base of her head, forcing her into a kiss while his other hand grabbed her buttocks. In a moment of panic and rage, Rey bit his lip, drawing blood. The man immediately released her, but was quick to issue a brutal slap across her face, splitting her lip. Rey stumbled to the ground from the impact of the blow. The short man, his pride severely damaged, began to kick her, striking her head, neck, and ribs. This continued for minutes, causing her to cough up blood as he reigned blows on her ribcage. 

"This is what you deserve you French Scum!" shouted the short soldier in between kicks and punches. Just as Rey stumbled up onto her feet, hand on her face to try to bring down the swelling and control the loss of blood, the door to the barracks opened. 

Ren had sprinted for 3 kilometers by the time he found  a german patrol car. He threw the driver out and sped full speed to the barracks; terrified of what he would find when he arrived. Ren raced to the door and swiftly kicked it open. What he found inside deeply disturbed him; Rey in a white silk shift, bleeding and being beaten by a short german soldier while the others watched and cheered him on. Rey was clutching her face, her face bruised, swollen, and bleeding. Ren watched in slow motion as the soldiers hand collided with Rey's delicate face, causing her to cry out and cover her head with her small shaking arms. Something snapped in Ren. It seemed like a blur; he knew that he smashed heads, broke faces, and disfigured the ringleader of Rey's abuse beyond recognition, yet he couldn't seem to distinctly remember any of it. As his german soldiers fled out of the barracks, attempting to apologize to their commander while cradling their broken noses, Ren knelt over Rey. She was black and blue from head to toe, her skin shredded from the wire. Carefully, Ren picked Rey up, bridal style, and carried her to his car. He laid her on the floor in the back, making sure she wouldn't roll around too much on the bumpy roads. 

When Rey and Ren arrived back at Rey's house, he found Rey's mother in law waiting there.

"What the hell did you do to her?" screamed Rey's mother in law upon seeing Rey's broken body. 

"The german soldiers got to her after she tried to follow you into the woods. She's lucky to be alive; if I had arrived any later at the German barracks she wouldn't be. Please draw a tub; we need to clean off all this blood and dirt to see what needs stitches."

"Ren...Ren?" moaned Rey.

"Mademoiselle Rey? Ma chere?", Ren's hand gently pushed back a piece of Rey's hair behind her ear, leaning in to hear her better. 

"Thank you for following me". And Rey slipped back out of consciousness 

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