Chapter Six: Bad Puns and Hand Tattoos

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A/N: ⚠️ tw/cw ⚠️ anxiety/panic attack, self harm, and another flashback. Stay safe kiddos 🖤🖤🖤


Virgil drew on his hands all of second and third period. He wasn't in his first period — which was history — for very long but he used that time to mindlessly draw on himself as well. He always had a sharpie handy for moments like this, when he had no access to spicy food, ice cubes, or his fidget cube. His fidget cube actually sat in the pocket of his hoodie, but he was nervous about it being a distraction, even though not all the sides made sound.

He had finished the vine wrapping around his middle finger and was about to move on to his ring finger when he saw the small heart shaped key tattooed there. The tattoo he had gotten with Dolon, who got a heart shaped lock on the same finger. The tattoo he suddenly wanted to peel off his skin and forget about forever.

He decided to stop drawing on his hand for now. He stared up at the teacher, hearing almost none of what she was saying. How could he focus on anything, including work? He suddenly realised everyone was getting up out of their seats. Was class over already?

He packed up his things and walked out of his classroom. It was time for lunch now, which meant the school day was halfway through. He walked into the cafeteria and got his lunch, sitting at a table by himself. He stared down at his food, not making any sort of effort to eat it. He was absolutely starving, but the thought of eating still made his stomach churn and tie itself into knots.

He glanced to his side and suddenly jumped upon seeing the peacock soul spirit beside him, his tail feathers on display. Taking another look, he realised this wasn't the ghostly form he normally saw. Fuck.

A rather upset looking boy — with one hell of a tan, Virgil might add — walked up to him, seeming ready to pick a fight. "I have a bone to pick with you!"

Virgil groaned loudly in annoyance. "Please tell me this isn't your bird."

"Yes, we just happen to be soulmates, but believe you me, I don't quite see it."

"The feeling's mutual. So... what do you want, exactly?"

The boy crossed his arms. "You made Patton upset this morning! You told him you... didn't want to be soulmates! Which, by the way, doesn't make any sense!"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Listen, I already apologised to him—"

"Roman!" Patton's voice suddenly broke into their argument as he approached the two of them. "I told you I don't need you to—"

"Patton-Cake, I insist! He hurt your feelings, and he shall pay!"

Virgil couldn't help but chortle at how dramatic this Roman guy was. "What are you, Shakespeare or some shit?"

"Pandering will get you nowhere!" Roman exclaimed. "You're lucky I can't have a sword on school grounds, or you'd be dead already!"

"Of course you have a sword."

"I don't want anyone being killed with swords, kiddos!" Patton exclaimed. "Maybe we can all sit down and have a nice, calm discussion!"

Virgil scoffed. "I don't think Miss Congeniality here is capable of a 'nice, calm discussion'. He just threatened to stab me with a sword because I accidentally hurt your feelings."

"I didn't threaten to stab you, Count Woe-laf!" Roman argued. "If I were to execute you with my sword, I would decapitate you!"

"Good to know, Princey."

"Come on, kiddos!" Patton chided, still attempting to keep the peace — as if any existed to begin with. "We're all soulmates here! Bonded like - like three pieces of paper that are glued together! Now let's just take a deep breath and have a bit of relaxing time, alright?"

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