Chapter 26: London's Sick!🤒🤧

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"Achoo!" London sneezed.

The following day after returning to Brighton, London became ill. Because of his kind heart, Moonlake did not go to school in order to care for his beloved caretaker. London was feeling pretty miserable, his nose was running, he was sneezing and coughing, he had a headache and he was very dizzy and light-headed.

"Mmm - Moonlake go to school" London said, congested.

"No! - I already told Ms. Holland I'm staying home to take care of you!" Moonlake replied, wiping this head with a cloth.

"Moonlake -" London coughed turning away from the Eevee to avoid getting him sick, "- This has happened multiple times before I was asked to let you live here. Please I'll -"

"No London! That's final!" Moonlake replied sternly.

London sighed, he did not have the energy to argue with the Eevee whom saw the illness as a way of showing more emotional love to London, it made him blush a little too.

"Uggh! - Fine! Only because I really don't feel like arguing" London replied, then he wiped his nose with a tissue.

"Oh thank you" Moonlake squealed, about to hug him.

"No! - Don't hug me! - you'll get sick too!" London shouted, alarmed at his reaction.

Moonlake jumped a little, the Eevee whimpered, he did not enjoy the fact that London's illness - what ever it was - didn't allow him to touch him, surely if he did, he would fall ill as well.

"Oh sorry, did I scare you?" London asked.

"N-No I just wish I could hug you" Moonlake replied, whimpering disappointedly.

"Sorry - We should go to see my doctor later" London replied, then the red eyed Flareon moaned in shivered a little.

"I don't think there is any need - It looks like you gotta a cold" Moonlake replied, then he went up to the steps, "I'll get you some medicine"

"Okay -" London replied, "Achoo!" The Flareon sneezed, sounding like a puppy when yelping when he did.

Blood ran down one of Moonlake's nostrils, he covered his nose almost immediately, "- and some tissue for my nose. Heh heh"

"Wait why?"


"From what?"

"I don't know" Moonlake replied, blushing heavily, "From your adorable sneeze perhaps" He said quietly.

London sniffled, "From what?"

"N-Nothing" Moonlake replied nervously, then he went up the steps and plugged his bleeding nostril, washed his paw and went back downstairs to give London some Benadryl.

"Thanks" London replied, still congested.

"Cough drops?" Moonlake asked, a kind smile on his face.

"S-Sure - Oh wait, I think I devoured the rest" London replied.

Moonlake could not believe what he heard, more importantly what one of London's bad habits was,"You what!?"

London's face expressed guilt.

"Why shouldn't I punch you" Moonlake asked, a creepy and angry look on his face, "Are they fucking food to you?"

London was nervous, "N-No - I - Uggh Yes I eat cough drops when I'm bored"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Moonlake shouted, then he raised his fist.

"Ahh!" London shouted in fear, then he braced for the punch... Nothing, so he uncovered his eyes.

Agent London Flareon Volume 1. (Explicit Version) 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪©®™Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt