_-_-_-Chapter 16-_-_-_

Começar do início

" Well, yeah, but Thompson made very clear that I mustn't die, so no one dared to hold up their gun for too long.

Well, I got impatient, somehow took the gun and shot one of them. I pushed the other one of the banister and slammed the last ones head into a pole...

Then I walked to the railing again and looked into the shocked faces of our colleagues, " See, I told you I'm not dangerous for you", I tried to comfort them but failed awfully.

A few minutes later, I walked off with Thompson to his office where I had to listen to him for over an hour about how I couldn't do this and everything."

After I told this story he just laughed at me and told me how this action suited me.

"So they actually act like they aren't afraid of you now?", he requested and I nodded.

"They try at least."


" Should I call him? We waited for so long...", I sighed annoyed and let me fall into my chair.

Nate raised one eyebrow at me and took a sip of his macchiato before saying, how impatient I am because we just waited for 15 minutes.

But 15 minutes are still 15 minutes!

" I'm bored!"

" You're always bored."

" I know, but because we don't have anything else to do, you can tell me about the last year, tell me more about London and your new life"

A smile spread across his face and he started speaking,

"It's completely different from our life here.

I do an education as an IT specialist and found some new friends, normal friends. They are going clubbing for fun, not just pretending as we did for arresting somebody.

I don't have to hide anymore, of course, I have a different name, but this was the last time I had to change my identity.

Also, I don't need a gun at home or cameras, nobody dangerous is interested in me anymore and almost every document of me is burned or deleted."

Actually, I had my doubts about that, rank high agents could always get what they want, and if they got kidnapped,... well, I'll let this open.

"I can see my parents whenever I want, they now also live in England. You know they were always protective about me, they knew that I did some shit whilst I was working here. They always thought that I was in a gang or something like that, but now they look so much happier,so much less worried.

Anyways the best thing is that I don't have to be in charge of peoples life. If I make a mistake while I am programming, it's just the computer which gets damaged, not a person who could die.

It's like a heavy burden lifted off of my shoulders, ... especially after Raven's Death."

His words were soft, almost a whisper. He tried to say it calmly for me, but I just couldn't look him in the eyes.

I was happy for him, really, but I just can't think about her without getting... quiet.

I couldn't let him see how broken I had to look right now.

The guilt was destroying me day after day, but I ignored it, I didn't cry, I didn't show emotion, no weakness was allowed. That is how I was educated and trained for. If I showed emotion I got punished, I still have scars because of it.

" Shay, it wasn't your fault, you couldn't do anything. I know what happe- "

" So you also know that it was, in fact, my fault, I'm the reason for her death, it was me who didn't do anything.

Protecting the school's idiotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora