Fuck nuggets💜

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Violets Pov 💜

I woke up, opening my eyes slowly I saw a face staring down at me, I blinked a couple times and as my vision got clearer I saw her, I was on her lap and we were on the watch tower together, then I remember what happened last night.

Violet: shit-sticks, did I fall asleep?
Clem: yeah.
Violet: fuck i- sorry, why didn't you wake me up?
Clem: you were pretty tired yesterday, thought I'd let you sleep, I also owe you for saving me.
Violet: well thanks,
*She nervously laughed*
for being my pillow n' all.
Clem: aha yeah, no problem, I wanted to bring you to your bed but I could barely climb up the watch tower and with you in one hand, I'd probably die
Violet: we'd probably die.
Clem: aha, yeah right.
Violet: we should probably get going, they're probably worried about us.
Clem: or we could stay here a little while longer, the sun's just about to rise.
Violet: oh yeah, sure.
Violet: Shit, sorry I didn't realise I was still on your lap.

*Violet sits up*

Clem's Pov🍊

This felt kind of weird, I feel so close to her already and we barely know anything about each other, I've always had these trust issues, it's hard to trust people in this world, I felt like I didn't need people before, when I thought I lost aj i- I only cared for resources, staying alive, I didn't care about the people I met along the way and what happened to them, I wouldn't let anyone be close enough to me for it to hurt when they left, I even used people and the situations they we're in, this guy lost his family in this junkyark, I think? I told him I would help him if he gave me his car, I only cared about myself but right now, being surrounded by all these people it's making me realise how shitty my way of thinking was back then.

*Violet notices Clem looked distracted by something*

Violet: hey, you ok?
Clem: hm? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine.
Violet: you look bothered, something on your mind?
Clem: nothing, just the past and stupid shit.
Violet: I know we don't know each other well but you're staying here now, you have to try to trust us, well not all of us but you can trust me.

*Violets hand brushed up against clems and her cheeks reddened*

*They both stare at each other before violet pulls her hand away and walks off*

Violet Pov 💜

Shit, shit, are my cheeks red, what the fuck was that, why did I say all that, this is so fucking stupid, oh my god, FUUUCK, what the actual fuck?!? Don't be stupid vi, I told myself I wasn't gonna trust anyone again after minnie but I felt like I needed to make her smile again BUT WHY THE FUCK DID I NEED TO TOUCH HER HAND, FUCK NUGGETS.

A few hours later..

Clem Pov🍊

I was sitting outside that old couch next to the fire place, still confused over what happened up on the watch tower, did she mean to touch my hand?I appreciate her trying to look out for me and be a friend but why did she walk away? Was she uncomfortable that I looked at her? This is all so confusing.

*Louis sits down next to Clem*

Louis: hey clemster, you good?
Clem: oh hey Lou, just thinking about how cold it is.
Louis: Omar's gonna start cooking soon next to here, so it'll warm you up
Clem: oh alright
Louis : did anything happen? I saw vi today as well she also looked mad, but she always is but she had a different mad face today- OH
*Louis cuts off*
Clem: what?
Louis: oh... You guys, you're thing..
Clem: what are you talking about Lou, spit it out.
Louis: you know, Your... Lady days, that time of the mon-
*Violet walks up without them noticing*
Violet: does you're mouth ever close Louis, the whole school can hear you
Louis: why hello to you too violet.
*Violet does that full body eyeroll*

Clem's Pov🍊

I couldn't help but look at violet, was she mad at me? For what? Was it because I would'nt tell her what was bothering me or something else, she was only talking to louis, avoiding eye contact with me and I still have yet to find out why.

Violet: whatever Louis, will you help set out the plates
Louis: I'm on watch out duty, Clem can help you though
Violet: i- who put you on watch duty?
Louis: Marlon
Violet: of course, maybe you should try actually doing your job right now, Clem will you help out
Clem: oh, sure.

Clem's Pov🍊
I started setting up the plates with Violet, I was surprised she even accepted me to come with her, I thought she would've just walked away without a word.

*Clem goes to put down a bowl at the place where violet puts hers down at the same time and their hand brushed off eachothers*

Violet: Shit-

*Violet moves her hand away and knocks off a bowl, it shatters and a shard goes into Clem's hand*

Clem: FUCK
Violet: SHIT , SORRY I-

*Violet grabs Clem's hand and looks at it, then sits her down*

Violet: fuck, shit, sorry I panicked, I'll be right back

*Violet runs to get a med kit*

Violet: I'm so sorry Clem, I didn't mean to do that, when I pulled away I knocked it and fuck-
Clem: stop panicking, can you just get it out.
Violet: it's gonna hurt, just uh- look... Squeeze onto my other hand if it hurts.

*Violet grabs onto Clem's other hand and holds it*

Clem: it's fine, really I've been through worse.
Violet: I know you have but just- it's my fault ok so just do it if it hurts.

*Violet takes out the shard and cleans it then patches it up*

Clem: you were being really dramatic just then, huh?
Violet: i- yeah I guess, I just wanted to make sure you were alright.
Clem: I am and thanks.
Violet: thanks for what? I'm the one who dropped to bowl.
Clem: well youre also the one who patched it up, so thanks.

*Clem realised they were still holding hands and took her other hand and held onto it, she was now clasping onto one of violets hand with both of hers, she gave vi's hand a squeeze*

Clem: see, my hands fine.
Violet: i- uh, yeah.
*Clem giggles*
Clem: Yeah?
Violet: I meant like, yeah I see that now or you know... whatever
Clem: hm..
*Violet let's out a little laugh, then Clem smiles*


To be continued...


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