First sight 💜

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Clem's Pov🍊

I had just woken up from a shitty nightmare and just layed on the ground, staring at the sky, I really have to stop doing this it's not safe for me and aj to sleep out here, as I was staring at the stars, I went into deep thought, I wondered what the point of this was, to just keep fighting everyday and for what? It's never gonna end, I just keep losing more and more and eventually I'll end up alone again, Lee told me that it's good to have someone to fight for to make it all worth it but honestly at this point I think I would prefer to have no one, I don't have to worry about losing them, it'll save me from all this pain and guilt, I realised I was still laying on the ground staring at the stars, I felt Alone, yes I had aj by my side but there still was this feeling of emptyiness, my dad always told me to look at the stars whenever I felt this way because somewhere there's someone else staring up as well, not sure if that really applies now considering all that is left is the dead but it's still comforting... "I miss u lee" I whispered, before drifting off to sleep again.

Violets Pov 💜

I was up on the watch tower, staring at the stars again, I missed minnie and sophie, they were really the only thing I had left, now they're just gone, just fucking gone like the rest, all we ever do is stay inside this school and one by one we all die, it fucking sucks, I knew Minnie and Sophie since we were just kids and we came to this shithole, now All that's left of them is two. Fucking. Pieces. Of. Wood. With they're names carved out on them, shit... I should rest, what's the point in thinking about the past anymore, they're not coming back.


Clem's Pov 🍊

I waited till aj was awake to start searching the area for food, he's tough but I don't want to leave him by himself, I'm all he has, he depends on me to be strong so I cannot think about giving up, not yet.

*Aj wakes up*

Clem:"good morning, goofball"
Aj:"huh? Goofball? I told you to stop calling me that."
Clem:"fine, good morning, shitbird."
*They laugh*
Clem:"listen I know you're exhausted but we should try to hunt for food as soon as possible,ok?"
Aj:"hmph, ook"
Clem:"ok so, I think we need to head this way, it looks like there is a pretty big building south, could have food.
Aj:"a big building? What is it?"
Clem:"I'm not exactly sure but we have to search it, we haven't had food in awhile and we don't want u to have a grumbly in your tumbly"
Aj:"aha okay, clem"
Clem:" it's pretty far so we should head out now, it could potentially take all day according to what it says here on the sign"
Aj:"alright, Clem, I have your bag"
*Aj hands Clem her bag*
Clem:"hm, thanks goofball"
Aj:"what did I say"
Clem:"oh so you want to be called shitbird instead?"
Clem:"ahah, that's what I thought, now let's head out."

9 hours later...

It was getting pretty dark outside, it's taking us awhile to get up to this place, and I'm not exactly sure if the building is even still there, could be filled with walkers, torn to shreds but it was our only choice.

Aj:"Clem, I'm tired"
Clem:"me too, aj but we have to keep going, we can't spend another night out here, it's getting more dangerous"
Aj:"I'm really cold too, do you think the place where we are going has a warm fire?"
Clem:"i- we can hope"
Aj:"well I hope so, I'm not feeling to good-

*Aj fell to the ground"

Clem:"aj? AJ?"

*Clem placed her hand on Aj's forehead lightly*

Clem:"shit,shit he has a fever,what the fuck am I supposed to do"

We had to stop, there was no other way, just then I heard groaning and rustling in the bushes, this was not good.

Clem:"fuck, walkers"

I panicked they were closer then expected, my first instinct was to pick him up and run, but I couldn't outrun them they're we're to many, how did I not hear them?, I didn't know what to do so I tried to run, I tripped over on a Vine and it swirled around my leg, I couldn't get free, it was dark and I could hardly see anything, but then I heard a voice, I could just about see a figure coming my way, just then a walker came on top of me, I was still holding on to aj, protecting him, I tried to push the walker off with my left hand but just then I felt the walker collapse on me, walker blood everywhere, then she pulled the walker off, I could see the girl, her torch lit up her face, she helped cut off the vine around my leg with a cleaver and helped me up.

Clem:"holy shit.. thanks"
Violet:"who are you guys? Why are you out here, it's dangerous when it's dark"
Clem:"i- we know, this is Aj and I'm Clem"
Violet:"i- uhm is he ok, is he bit?!"
Clem:"no! no, he just has a fever, we have been out on the road for awhile"
Violet:"oh.. well... shit i- I should get going"
Clem:"yeah, it's dangerous when it's dark"
Violet:"ha, yeah well uhm.. stay safe, alright?"
Violet:"I mean like you have a kid u know, he has a fever? Stay safe for him, right?

*Violet walks off*

Violets Pov 💜

What the fuck am I saying,
Why the fuck did I just say stay safe, I don't even know her, she's just some random stranger who I saved, I didn't know they're would be other kids out here, she's pretty close to the school too.

Clem's Pov 🍊

I really need to be more careful, I almost got me and aj killed .. fuck i-, thank God she was there, wait, I didn't even get her name, shit.

To be continued...


Violetine 💜🍊Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt