Truth or dare💜

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Clems Pov 🍊

I woke up in the afternoon because I took a nap after the massive headache I had, then I smelled the smell of rabbit stew, finally some good food, my head was still pounding and my body was sore, I got up to check if aj was still asleep, he wasn't in his bed just then I heard a knock on the door

*Violet walks in*

Violet:hey.. you doing okay?
Clem:yeah.. thanks, do you know where AJ is?
Violet:yeah, he's outside setting up bowls.
Clem:oh thanks

*Clem tries to walk to the door to leave the room but she loses her balance and violet catches her*

Violet:wow, take it easy, you hit your head pretty hard when you collapsed yesterday.
Clem:shit.. sorry
Violet:hey, don't worry about it uhm..I'll help u get outside just uh hold on to me
Clem: thanks but I think I'll be fine
Violet: I'm not trying to make this weird, i- I just wanna make sure u don't hurt yourself again, so just hold onto me, ok?
Clem: huh.. thanks

*Clem smiles at violet and puts her right hand around VI's neck and vi puts her hand around Clem's waist to insure she does not trip again*

Violets Pov 💜

I barely know this girl, yet I feel like protecting her, it's a weird feeling uh- I don't know, she knows what she's doing though, she could take care of herself, you have to be pretty strong to make it out here for this long, I admire it, we've been hiding in this shithole forever but it has kept us safe... Well most of us.

Clem's Pov 🍊

We had the rabbit stew, I've never had anything like it before, it was really nice I will never understand how Omar makes it like that with only our limited resources, after we ate we all gathered around the fire and started play a game of Truth or Dare, it was only Marlon, louis, vi and me, the rest were on patrol duty and aj wanted to do watch with Tenn.

Louis:all righty, so I'll start
Marlon:go ahead
Louis: ok so.. clem, how did you survive out there this long?
Violet:wow lou, that was probably the most practical question you have ever asked
Marlon:ahahah, she's right
Clem:well, if there's anything I learned is to not trust anyone, people slow you down.
Louis:oh.. next question
Violet:I'll go next.
Louis: alright
Violet:hmm.. marlon, why didn't you let Clem in?
Marlon: are we really bringing this up? I said sorry
Violet: you have to awnser.
Marlon:Willy told me she was bit
Violet: just because Willy said it?
Marlon: yeah...
Violet: he didn't even check her and didn't u say he just said that she COULD be bit before.
Clem: lets just drop it, I already know what happened and who to trust.
Louis: annddd it's my turn again.
Violet: whatever.
Louis: Violet, why did you help Clem
Marlon: yeah the violet I knew would've not even cared
Violet:the Marlon I knew would've given her a chance, why is there no dares yet.
Louis: OOo and that was a burn, now we will be heading back to Marlon in the station, Marlon got anything to say?
Marlon: Louis dude, shut up
Louis: ouch.
Violet: I Don't know Why I saved clem, I just did.
Clem: .. I'll ask.
Louis: oo go on
Clem:Vi, since you wanted a dare
Violet: don't forget I saved you
Clem: ahah, I dare you to..tell a embarrassing story
Violet: shit.
Louis: oh I know this one, go on vi, nothing to be scared of right.
Violet:ok so I used to be scared of the dark.
Clem: no way bahah
Violet: shut it, so I was trying to sneak a few snacks into my room when all the lights at the school were out and Lou decided to be a fuckhead and pretended he was a ghost and I dropped all the snacks..
Louis: you forgot the part you screamed so loud the principal came down and started chasing you around the school.
Clem: you got scared because he pretended to be a ghost ahah, Violet, my God, who were you?
Louis: I know right, who gets scared of the dark.
Marlon: Lou, don't act like you weren't scared of the cookie monster.
Violet: oh my God, what?
Louis: Marlon, did we not agree that, that was a secret..

*Violet and Clem burst out laughing*

A hour later..

Clem's Pov 🍊

Everyone went to bed except aasim and Ruby they were on night patrol, me and vi decided to go on watch together, I wasn't tired because I already had a nap but I could see she was starting to get tired, we sat down on the watch tower and just looked out.

Violet: the stars are really beautiful tonight
Clem: yeah, my dad use to tell me.. shit, what was it again..
*Violet laughs*
Clem: whenever you feel lonely you can just stare up at the stars-
Violet: because somewhere out there someone is looking up too..
Clem: yeah..
Violet: my grandma used to tell me that before she uh, passed.
Clem: I'm sorry.
Violet: no, it's fine, at least I know I'm not alone while staring at the stars
Clem: we were staring up together, ahah.

Violets Pov💜

I was getting really tired,I don't know if I am thinking clearly but she looks really beautiful.. the moonlight shining on her golden eyes, it was like they were piercing through me, she was pretty even when I first saw her too, covered 'n guts and all but she still looked- what am I saying.

Clem's Pov 🍊

I felt her head lean on to my shoulder softly, I checked to see what she was doing but she had fallen asleep on top of me, I giggle under my breath seeing her so calm while she was sleeping.. was kind of cute.

To be continued...

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