"Go get a what?" I stood up and left the place I'am sitting "Go get a coffee--Seriously Noona! You're doing it on purpose!" This time Taehyung rub his eyes

"You're ruining the make-up!" -Sura

Ohh.. He wants me to entertain myself with a coffee.. I could work with that

I asked one of the staff about how long will this phoshoot take and he said it will take only 20 minutes, If the boys cooperate especially with Taehyung only 15.

That's enough time for me to enjoy my coffee.

I said my thank you and left the building. I'am not used to this place yet.. I don't know which café is near
this building.

I gotta find them out myself.

Jimin's P.O.V

"There you go! We're done!" Our photographer gave us a thumbs up. Without wasting any time, Me and my hyungs help with cleaning the studio

Except for Taehyung that was playing around with the camera. Taking pictures of us

"Hey, Tae where's Y/n?" I asked him

"I ordered her to buy me a coffee" he said as he continued moving the camera around "That took her long" Seokjin hyung walk up to Taehyung

"Is she familiar around here?" -Seokjin

"No and I don't care.. She can find her ways how to get back"

Hearing those words come out of his mouth, We suddenly gasp all together "Why would you even let her buy you a coffee when she don't know any stores near this building?" -Namjoon

Well that's straight up mean Taehyung.

What even got in his mind that he decided to become like this? He was all innocent and fluffy before..

Did puberty hit him this hard?

I know Jungkook did

"Contact her" Yoongi hyung ordered me to get my phone

"Oh, the photoshoot is finished?" Suddenly, Y/n pop out of nowhere and is holding a coffee.

We sigh in relief. She's safe..

Taehyung grab the coffee out of her hands "Where's the coffee?" He opened it and was sad to see that it's empty

"I drank it"

Why would she--

"You what?! I told you to buy me a coffee! That was meant to be mine, Not yours!"

Here he goes again.. He'll be having a tantrum

"You said go get a coffee, So I did!" -Y/n

Oh gosh

"I think you didn't finished your sentence" Jungkook butts in "Or she didn't let me finish my sentence!" I could already tell Taehyung's anger raising up

"Taehyung, Don't just blame a girl like that! Have respect will you?" I said as I pulled Y/n close to me

"Jimin what are you doing?" -Taehyung

"Keeping her safe, I know your anger will burst out any moment now" I sneak my arms around her waist. I just want to make her feel safe since she's seeing this side of us.

Especially she's an ARMY

"No! Don't hold her like that!" He was trying to take her away from me, But Namjoon hyung grab him "We're already late for our next schedule. Let's talk about this later"

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