**Last hook up(DS)

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     So guys the smut you've been waiting for is here. There is a little bit of smut in this chap. Next one has more. So buckle up. I

    You walk into the club and find your best friend (Daniel) already there before you.



   You sit down on the bench beside him by the bar. Right then the waitress gives you two glasses of Magarita.

   "Always right on time," you remark.

   "Always." You best friend confirms.

   You chuckle and take your favorite drink.

    "So how have you been?" He asks.

   "As always, Perfectly fine."

   He chuckles.

   "Yeah the perfectly fine gurlll," he says making you chuckle.

   You stop laughing when your eyes land on a guy. Blonde hair, muscular body and a perfect smile Aka a perfect hook up. You bit your lips and look at him with lust.

    "Are you checking out a guy again?" Daniel asks.

   "Dont I always," you remark and smirk at him.

   Then you go back to staring at that guy again. This time he looks at you and smiles.

   "C'mon, we came here to drink and talk. Let's chit chat," Daniel says.

   "What's the point in coming to a club and not hooking up with a hot guy?" You ask.

   "Do you have to hook up every friday you hang out at the club."

   "Isnt that the main reason I come here."

   He rolls his eyes.

   "C'mon Y/N aren't you tired of just hook ups. What about love?relationship ? Dating? "

    "Daniel........ You know once Chad left I swore never date another guy and promised myself only to please myself."

   "Arent you tired of being with different guys?"

   "Its not like we are having actual sex."

"Then too. You deserve better. You deserve so much love."

  "Daniel you are my best friend. You know I got cheated on and messed with 3 times. There is no such thing as love. No one loves me. Even my parents abandoned me." You sigh and gulp down your drink.

   "I love you!!" He says.

   "I love you too but this is different you know that. No one actually is involved in a relationship."

   "That's not true. There are so many good guys out there who can love."

   "Are there? Then why haven't you been in a relationship for many years now. Didn't Cara break up with you?"


   "You are a nice guy. You can love right if that's real. Then why aren't you dating?"

   "Well hmmm because the girl I like isnt interested in me."

   "See no love. What's the point of it anyways. I'll rather hook up with a stranger than to fall in love with one."

   He says nothing after that so you stand up to leave.

   "Wait!!" He stops you.

   "What is it daniel?"

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