That ball hit my nose!

“There you go, So what's your name my fellow small ARMY?”

“Park Y/n. You?” I made sure there's no blood and threw the tissue in the trashcan near by us “Go Hwenji”

We exchange bows and later bid our farewell. We had to leave to do each others business since the rain will be falling down again.

And with this type of weather I want to go to my favourite café. It's not a famous café so you would really enjoy the peace and quiet atmosphere.

So sad.. I didn't manage to buy even just a headband.. At least I made a friend..

A friend that I'll probably never see again.

I ordered the coffee and as usual picked my seat near the window.

The music never fails to make me calm and fresh my mind out. I need to forget those horrible things that happened to me just today.

But how, when Taehyung was the one who did it?

Kim Taehyung, The cute troublemaker. He's literally cute and a troublemaker in their group. He had been in so many scandals with female idols before and even male but that didn't ruin the BTS'  image.

That's because Big Hit was too quick to fix them that the scandal was just known in Korea. It did not spread in the other countries.

Taehyung himself also knows how to fix his image and could make the fans fall in love with him all over again.

And today, I don't know what I'am feeling towards him.

I thank the waiter when he placed my coffee on my table. I eyed him until he reached the counter and suddenly we lock each other's gaze.

I smiled at him and look away. I didn't felt awkward when he look back at me.. Maybe it's because I had seen his eyes before..

His smile too!

Who is he? His presence just seems familiar to me

I was enjoying everything when the café played the song 'Boy with Luv'

Great.. I just remembered the incident

Also the rain was about to fall so I need to go home too. I don't want to cause any trouble here too..

I grab my coffee and inserted my left hand inside my pocket, I made my way to the door when that waiter I looked at earlier pop beside me

“Yes?” I drank my coffee

“C-Can you stay for a bit ma'am?”

Oh what?

“Please don't think of me as a weird person.. I just want to be friends”

My eyes sparkle and showed him a smile “Sure!” I sat back down to my seat

I'am learning how to socialize here..

“My shift will be over in a minute.. Can you wait?” He followed me to my seat

“Ofcourse! Anything for you babe” I gave him a thumbs up. I realized what I just said and it's stupid

“I mean bae, A-Anything for a friend” I avoided eye contact with him and look outside the window. Now that's when I felt awkward

Why the hell would I even say Babe? Instead of bae?

And why am I calling him bae?

Come on Y/n! You got a lot of things to learn if you want to make new friends! And that's definitely not calling a stranger babe

Unless I'am flirting..

But I'am not good with that too. So I suck

I wish he would think I'am awkward to be friends with and decided to ditch me and not come for me, Because I would definitely appreciate it if he did that.

I grab my phone, scrolling down some pictures in Insta. Heart there heart here until I got a notification from Youtube. My favourite channel about BTS just uploaded a video

And I'am confuse with the title

“Taehyung doesn't even care for our one fellow ARMY?”

I tap on the video

“Just earlier this day, In the time square of Seoul held an opening for a BTS store. BTS was there and ARMY's we're very happy to see them. But Taehyung did next was unexpected, Taehyung hit one ARMY on the face with a ball and soon her nose started bleeding. The store turned into chaos and staff and the other BTS members were trying to calm the ARMY's down. Taehyung was just cool and even said that hitting her on the face was no big deal, it was just a ball. What do you think about this? Tell me your opinion in the comment section below!”

T-This is his new scandal.. And I'am in it!

My future is ruined


Hello there! This is my first ever book that I'am planning on finishing it here in Wattpad.

Also I would like to say my thank you to LucyTehWarrier for making the book cover! Check her out because she's amazing.

(I just love that book cover)

English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there's grammatical errors that are making you cringe.

Thank you for reading!

Assistant or Girlfriend?  『 A Kim Taehyung Fan Fiction 』Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin