Fred and George were quick to say they'd enter only to be shot down by the announcement of an age restriction being introduced to the tournament. Only those the age of seventeen and over could enter and those who are chosen, must compete no matter what the costs.

"Do you think we should make an ageing potion Georgie?" Fred questioned once Dumbledore had paused in between his explanation.

"I think we should Freddie," George answered and the two grinned at each other regardless of Hermione's unimpressed stare.

The door located behind the teacher's table suddenly banged open, making the entire school turn their heads to see a hunched over figure walking into the hall. The figure had a large walking stick and scraggly hair that went past his ears. He made his way over to Dumbledore and shook his hand, the two greeting each other like old friends. The nameless man let out a few grunts in reply to the Headmaster's words before making his way to the spot left for him at the teacher's table. His entrance wouldn't have been so attention grabbing if it wasn't for his abnormally large eye that swiveled around in his socket as if it had a mind of its. As the man stabbed at his sausage with his knife, the eye watched over the students who sat staring at its beastly appearance.

"Please welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody", Dumbledore announced as he gestured to the man. Scarce rounds of applause echoed throughout the hall and the man named Moody barely looked up.

"Right well, Mr Filch has asked me to remind you all-", Dumbledore began to ramble on in place of the awkward silence.

Blair gulped dryly at the man who continuously ripped at his food that was pierced by his knife. He was as ghastly looking as he had been described. His nose was misshapen and scars ran across his face, making him appear rugged and rough. Even if Blair didn't know that this was the man who had been the one to kill her father, she would still be terrified from his gruesome scars and swiveling eye. It surveyed each student and settled on her at one point, but moved off to the next trembling soul. Blair was confused at the fact that Professor Moody didn't seem to recognise her, but wasn't complaining. She hoped she would have very little encounters with the ex-Auror.

Professor Dumbledore eventually dismissed the hall and students headed for their dormitories. Blair wasn't any different and followed the cluster of Ravenclaws towards the tower that held the Ravenclaw dormitories. She found herself walking towards the end of her housemates as they chatted away in their own friend groups. Her mind was mostly occupied with how her classes were going to go this year with the Triwizard tournament running alongside them. There was also Professor Moody being the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Blair could already tell that she wouldn't be looking forward to those classes. And the tournament didn't interest her at all, so it shouldn't be much of a distraction.

Heading for the grand staircase, Blair made it several steps before she looked up from her feet to catch eyes with light brown irises. George was walking with Fred and Lee up towards the moving staircases that would lead to the Gryffindor common room, only to look back over his shoulder to see the small girl in her royal blue robes. Now that he had her gaze, he lifted his hand to do a small wave and smiled lightly at her. But she only blinked at him before turning away to head for the spiral staircase leading for the Ravenclaw tower. George deflated at yet another brush off from Blair.

"Given up yet?" Fred asked after seeing the painful rejection.

"I'm just trying to be friendly," George fought as they passed the many moving portraits.

"We've got more important things to think about than being friendly towards Ravenclaws," Fred mentioned. "We've got an ageing potion to think about."

"Maybe you could ask Rosier to prepare it. She's good at Potions," Lee intervened and the twins turned to him with raised eyebrows.

"How do you know that?" George questioned.

"Because I sit next to her in Potions," Lee rolled his eyes. "I can swap seats with you if you're so interested in her. Will benefit your report card if anything."

"Hey that's a good idea!" Fred beamed and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "You can ask Rosier about the potion! And in the meantime, you can fulfill your goal of being her new best friend!"

"I'm not going to make the first thing I say to her be about brewing an ageing potion," George waved his hand dismissively, now irritated at the pampering. "Forget I said anything. I was just trying to be nice."

Fred and Lee scoffed but dropped the topic for now. But it wasn't completely forgotten as Fred motioned to Lee that they would plan and talk later about switching seats in Potions class. The three entered the Gryffindor common room and littered themselves over the table and chairs that sat beside the stairs leading up to the dormitories. George tried to appear interested in more of Lee's suggestions of Fever Fudge and Coughing Concoctions for their Weasley Wizard Wheezes line, but couldn't stop his mind from wandering to the girl who never smiled or spoke. 

In the Ravenclaw tower, Blair dressed in her royal blue pajamas and sat down on her four-poster bed. The girls in her year group were talking among themselves as they got ready for bed and took no notice of the cat jumping up on to Blair's duvet. The sleek feline perched himself on the edge of Blair's pillow and curled himself into a ball. Blair found herself melting at the content purring coming from her pet and shuffled under the covers. 

She lay down and admired how peaceful her pet looked. He blinked slowly at her before shutting his yellow eyes completely, drifting off to sleep. Blair listened as her roommates blew out their candles and put the room into silence, finally making it quiet enough for her to be at peace.


The next morning, Blair made her way to the Great Hall and sat herself at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast. She quietly grabbed two slices of bread and put them on her plate, munching on them as she opened the book she had brought from the common room with her. The hall had a light buzz as students received their class schedules, comparing them with their friends and complaining about their double sessions with Professor Binns in History of Magic. 

"Here you are Miss Rosier", the small voice of Professor Flitwick came from behind Blair, making her turn around to see her head of house. The small man held up her schedule and she took it silently, lowering her head in a small nod.

She looked down at the parchment and looked over her classes for the week. She had Potions first up before having Arithmancy. After lunch, she had double Transfiguration and then finished with Charms. Not a bad day to Blair's standards.

About to look over her classes for the rest of the week, Blair finished her toast and prepared for the disappointment of double Defence Against the Dark Arts for tomorrow, only to be distracted by someone plonking down on the bench opposite her. She looked up from her parchment and tried to not to appear astonished at the redhead sitting in front of her. 

George nervously fidgeted knowing that many eyes stared from the Gryffindor table as well as the Ravenclaw table he now sat at. He wasn't sure if he was ready to face his friends when he eventually goes back to the Gryffindor common room. He could avoid sitting with Fred and Lee in his classes but he would soon have to go to his dormitory, and they were bound to question why he chose to sit at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast.

"So... how are you?" George cleared his throat and found it hard to look into Blair's dark eyes. He hadn't realised how brown they were. They could even be classified as black.

Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora