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Stalker P.O.V
Stalker unnie is back bIsH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hee-young and Namjoon sat in front of the convenient store drinking a can of beer.

"..Thanks." Hee-young suddenly say.

"For.?" Namjoon was confused, he wasn't the one who bought the drinks.

"Everything. Tolerating me is difficult, thanks for being there." She smiled and drank her beer.

"I only tolerated you because of my mother, if she wasn't connected to you I would have kicked you out a long time ago."

"Mean bastered.." Hee-young muttered under her breath.

"What I mean is, your welcome, you pain in an ass." Namjoon rolled his eyes but smiled anyways.

Namjoon sighed after a while and looked up into the sky, he looked sad.

"There's something on your mind, right?" Hee-young could sense that something was off about him.

"..It's nothing compared to your situation. You don't have to get all worried about me just care about yourself."

Readers, We really need something to make them a couple already.

Author : Woah, Woah, Woah. Chill stalker. Love has it's own timing don't rush it or it'll not work.

As if you know so much you single-for-life lady who cannot attract anyone in her life.

Author: I don't need no man, I'm an independent woman.

You know what, let's just go back.


They were silent the whole way going back home.

It was an awkward silence, the worst silence ever.

"So ah.. When are you actually teaching in a school?" Hee-young tried to make this awkward silence go away.

"When I get enough money to move out and... Some other reason."

Namjoon was clearly hiding something from Hee-young which made her curious.


"Mrs Kim.. Can you perhaps tell me more about Namjoon.?" She entered Mrs Kim's room.

"Of course darling, sit here." She patted a empty spot on the bed.

"He's... Not able to trust people that easily. Even his current student Sarah makes him feel unsafe."

"Unsafe for what.?"


"Hee-young!" Namjoon barged into the room and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the room.

"What??" She asked in confusion and shock.

"..how dare you ask my mother about me.." He clenched his fist in anger.

"I was just-"

"Stop trying to know more about me! Stop being a busybody and mind your own god damn business!" He snapped.

She was taken aback.

She stayed silent for a while, looking down.

"..fine." She said and ran out of the house.

"H..Hee-young!" He realised what he said and ran after her.


"Hee-young! I'm sorry I snapped at you! Please come back!" Namjoon went around the neighborhood, trying to find Hee-young.

Suddenly he got an idea.


"I'm so stupid.." She took a small stone and threw it at the river in frustration.

"Hee-young." she heard Namjoon's voice but she thought she was hallucinating.

"Now I'm even thinking about his voice.! I've gone crazy!" She hit her head with her hand until a hand stopped her from doing so.

"Stop hitting your head." Namjoon said.

"You hate me, don't you? Just leave me alone then!" She tried taking her hand back but he was stronger than her.

"Why did you ask my mom about me? Am I that unapproachable?" Namjoon sighed.

"I.. Wanted to ask you but you seemed so sad so I didn't ask." She looked away.

"Why would you even ask in the first place?"

That was the exact question she asked herself when she asked Mrs Kim.

She didn't know how to answer his question and somehow blushed instead.

"Because I-I... Care about you!! You made me unconsiously worried about you today!" She shouted without thinking.

When he realized what she said she closed her mouth with her hand in shock.

They stayed silent for awhile.

"Is that a confession.?"

"I-I.." She wanted to deny it but if she did, she knew that she was lying.

"I-I can't deny the fact that I do care for you.. I have no idea why my heart sometimes skips a beat when I'm around you even though you're such a jerk." 

"I guess that's one way of confessing.. and I'm not a jerk." 

"It's not a confession!" Hee-young got flustered.

"Then.. what is it?" Namjoon got close to her face to the point where Hee-young could feel his breath.

She never realised how deep Namjoon's voice was and how sexy it was.

I swear the Author is making me say all this, it's scripted.

It's so cringy I swear-

author: I heard that you punk!

Moving on.

"I don't know!" 

"You don't know? Maybe I should kiss you." Namjoon smirked.

"GO AWAY PERVERT, I HAVE THOT SPRAY ON ME!" she screamed so loud the whole neighbourhood probably heard it.

" Chill I was joking." he laughed and backed away.

"You know a guy can't just say that out of no where right!?" 

"Okay,okay chill. How about this, let's go to the movies tomorrow then I'll see if I like you or not." Namjoon sort of made a deal.

"You mean a d-date?" 

"Yeah, a date."


Double update ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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