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Hee-young P.O.V

"Eomma! Appa! I found a dandelion!!!" I shouted and waved my other arm in the air.

"Really?" Eomma smiled.

"Yeah! I want to make a wish! Can I? Can I? " I asked in exitment.

"Why do you need to ask, idiot." Unnie scoffed at me.

"Hwa-young! Of course darling ; What do you wish for? "

I stick my tongue out at unnie and she just rolled her eyes.

"I think it won't come true if I tell you.."

Eomma chuckled.

"Than don't say it out loud and just say it in your heart."

"But there's a problem." I frawned a little.

"What is it? "

"I don't have a wish to make." I pouted

Eomma giggled.

"I think if you can just blow on the dandelion for now and make a wish later. How about that?" She suggested.


I blew on it and it flew away.

I'll make a wish some day..


I opened my eyes and saw blurry white colour things around me.

That wish.. Why would that memory just come back like that?


"Hee-young? Can you hear me?" I heard a muffled voice beside me.

"Hee-young?" suddenly the voice was clear and my surroundings too.


"Hyung! she's awake!!! " He shouted making everyone look at him.

"Hoseok! Don't shout. This is a hospital for goodness sake.. " a handsome doctor said.

He gave me a small check up to see if everything was okay.

"You're fine for now, hm...Miss... Hee-young... Get more rest and don't exhaust yourself, that's all you can do now."

"hm.. How long was I sleeping.?"

He looks like an angel with that doctors coat..

Oh my Lord.

Am I really not in heaven?

Someone help my heart, ASAP.

"10 hours." He said.

Then he noticed me blushing.

"My handsome face made you blush, Huh? I know I'm worldwide handsome. " He smirked.

Now he doesn't look like an angel.

His boastfulness ruined everything.

"As if.." I mumbled and rolled my eyes slightly because of this narcissist.

"Wanna hear a joke?"


"what did the one couch say to the other couch on the other side of the room?"

"I don't know-"

"We are sofa away." he laughed at his own joke.

I swear his laugh is contagious it made me and Hoseok laughed.

Smart Idiot | KNJ [√]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz