"But Neptune said to split—"

"Mind if I cut in." A disembodied voice said, and I felt an incredibly warm hand place itself on my shoulder. That voice, I knew it. I've heard it before. It was the same, dark yet eerily soothing voice I had heard on my computer screen. It was Titan. Looking at Mars with wide eyes, a look of the rawest fear I ever saw on someone's face stained his expression as he looked at me worriedly. Instead of freaking out though, I found myself nodding slowly.

"It's okay," I said, much to Mars horror as I turned around to face the chest of the largest automaton I've seen yet. Structurally, Titan was breathtaking in design. He easily towered past six feet and looked down at me with fanatical silver-blue eyes hidden beneath dark brows. Despite the dark browns though, his shoulders and neck were covered in a cape of blonde hair.

Unlike the others, he wasn't wearing a mask, so it was easy to memorize his face. He looked deadly but sweet. He seemed like someone you could trust but who would betray you. He was one of those creatures that you knew were bad but still pulled you in.

He was terrifying. "May I?" He asked, looking down at me as he extended his hand. Behind me Mars disappeared into the crowd as I slipped my trembling hand into his. When I did, something felt oddly familiar. Perhaps, perhaps I've held this hand before?

"Of course. I didn't have you pinned as a dancer," I said, hoping he didn't notice how shaky my voice was.

"It all comes with the programming, as does many other things," He said, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. To close. So close, I noticed something odd. He had an all to familiar black, lightning bolt tattoo below his collarbone. Just like the one Jupiter had.

Instantly, a very cold feeling rushed over me.

"I suppose party planning is one of those?" I squeaked as I felt the weight of the stun baton pulsate against my leg. It was then, a very unsettling thought came over me. The blonde man I had seen in my nightmare, it wasn't Pluto. It was Titan. And the dark-haired boy, it had been Jupiter. Jupiter must be on Titan's side; he must be a traitor. Though, it didn't make sense. Why wouldn't he have just turned me into Titan sooner?

"I suppose so. Although, it was my associates who put together this spectacular event, but I presume you know that." He chuckled, making goosebumps appear on my arm. Titan was so undeniably charming and well spoken. No wonder the scientists didn't see his evil intent coming.

"Of course. Remind me, what is this celebration for?" I asked, locking my eyes with his, which only increased the depth of my breathing. Looking down at me, he slid his hand from mine and used it to grab my chin.

"Why, it's for you Abigail. Are you impressed?" He asked, making my entire body clench like I was about have a seizure. It was trap. This was all a trap.

"I...I am." I managed to choke out as I pulled back.

"My um...my hem...is stuck. May I fix it?" I asked and Titan nodded.

"Of course. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Taking a shaky breath, I leaned down and slowly slipped a hand under my dress. I then got a grip on the baton before pulling it out of the strap. "It was nice meeting you Titan," I said, then flicking open the rod and hitting the switch. Immediately it began to shimmer with bolts of electricity and with a shout I swung it full force at Titan.

When it hit his shoulder, he didn't so much as flinch. Instead a dark look crossed his face as he grabbed the simmering rod with his bare hand, allowing the volts of electricity to pulsate over him and light his entire body up. With a gasp, the crowd around us parted as the lights in the buildings groaned and flickered.

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