Waiting room

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I scratched the blade down my chest until it reached my abdomen; I squealed as blood dramatically escaped from my body and onto the floor. The pain was unbearable I continued to squeal like a dying mouse until I could no longer scream. I lay there motionless on the ground.

***Tilly Collapsed***

Charlotte's POV:

I sprinted out of the house slamming the door behind me as I made my way to Tilly's house, I went into my car driving as fast as could - not caring if I broke the speed limit. Eventually I arrived, as I arrived I was greeted by Tilly's body laying there on ground. "Tilly, Tilly!" I proclaimed as I took a deep breath in "What's happened, fuck fuck fuck" I repeated in stress.
I grabbed a cloth and pressed it against the wound to the stop the bleeding on her chest from getting any worse; I then grabbed her into my arms as I done so her arms fell like a rag dolls and I heard the crack of the knife slapping the floor as it feel out of her now motionless hand. I had no time to react I had to get her to the hospital as soon as humanly fucking possible.
I placed her into the front seat and made my way to A&E (accident and emergency) when we arrived the nurses took her straight into the theatre room as she had to be treated for her severe wounds and excessive blood loss. "Are you related to the patient" asked the nurse without hesitation. "YES!" I blurted out.
"I mean NO but Im- I'm her best friend. I - I - Is she gonna be ok please tell me is she is."
I blurted out unapologetically.
The nurse seemed rather confused and stared at a few of her colleagues behind me before responding by saying "Look darling she will be ok, we'll do our best to take care of her I can't imagine how hard this must be for you". She sighed before continuing "I'm really sorry this is so raw for you but we need to know what happened; how did these wounds come about?" The women questioned. I singed.
"I-Is there a-a room I can go into the talk about this" I asked shaking in trauma.
"Yes right this way" The women took me to a room and gave me some water she then continued to comfort me, I soon managed to form a sentence even tho my words were still a little mumbled "Well she has been suffering from anxiety for years and it's only b - b -been getting worse, I wish I could have noticed earlier I could have helped"
The women gave an expression of concern before saying "Don't worry it's not your fault"
"But it is, I knew her anxiety was escalating out of control I should have been there for her, I should have visited her earlier"
"None of this is your fault" the nurse continued.
"But it Is" I said while continuing to sob.
"Is there a legal guardian for Tilly, does she she have a mum or dad?"
I thought in my head for a minute about what to say, I knew I had to be honest.
"No, she has no legal guardian"
I said clearly. The nurse froze in shock. "Not even a mum"
"No, her mum left her" The women gave me a look that made me feel uncomfortable. "I think we should talk in more detail about this later."
"Do you have any parents darling" The women said in a patronising tone. She was beginning to get on my nerves. "Well, I'll have you know that I DO have a mother"
"Great can you call her and ask her to come" said the nurse.
I nodded my head and walked out of the room to call my mum on the phone. I explained to her what happened and after less the half an hour she was right there, by my side, with me. The nurse explained to my mum what had happened in detail and then I was left to wait with my mum In the waiting room. 
"What do u think will happen mum, will she be ok?"
"Hopefully darling, it depends on how much blood she lost, and well she did lose a lot"
"If she does make it out alive can we take her, please she's practically homeless we need to look after her"
My mum gave me a strong smile "Of course, we'll adopt her" responded my mum.
I hug her tightly in response as tears fell down my cheeks I muttered "Thank you". 
Hours past and we were still sitting on the cold waiting room seats. Until we heard footsteps
It was the nurse, she spoke in cracked voice as she spoke to us "We have both good news and bad news, the good news is that Tilly is still alive"
"Oh thank God" I shouted
"But the bad news is she's not ready to leave hospital yet, she still has significant injuries and will need to stay in hospital for at least another few days until she can come home."
"Can we see her yet" I asked
The nurse nodded her head in agreement and we went to visit  her.

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