Wating for the bus to arrive

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Hey, just wanna say a few things before you start to read this book:

1) Just want to let you know that this book contains some strong topics such as anxiety, self harm and depression (just to name a few) if any of these affect you in a negative way or may be considered a trigger than please don't read!

2) Finally, I hope you enjoy the book!

The sunlight peeked though the curtain and shone onto my face, I woke up, only to witness the horror of mess spread all over my room; there were cans all over the floor, the wardrobe had been left open with clothes pouring out of it onto the rotten wooden floor, cat hair was everywhere and there was a real smell of shit roaming around the room. "It's a shit hole!" I sighed even though nobody could here me, and there was nobody in the house as my mum had been gone for the past week (as she usually does) and has left me here all by myself, for another week as if I'm just meant to 'get along with it' but, she just will not understand that I'm struggling she only left me £10 pounds for the week and I already lost £5 last night, which now leaves me with only £5 for the whole week. My bed was also a mess the sheets were everywhere and half of my duvet had fallen onto the floor. My long brown hair was in tugs and knots and it hadn't been washed in weeks - it was begging to smell. I woke up and grabbed Marley (my cat). She was a white cat with brown ears and brown paws and she has a little brown patch underneath her chin. She's so friendly and will always let me stroke her, "Hey baby" I said with a squeak in my voice. I stroked Marley and then put her down and began to get myself ready for the day. I got on my hands and knees and began searching for clothes to chuck on, I rummage through all of them and mange to find a black top with long black jeans (as my legs are long) and then I put on my usual torn brown jacket which had, had rips and dirt all over it, it made me look like an absolute tramp, but I was cold and had no other coats to wear, so I put it on and left my house without having breakfast.
My neighbourhood was rough, and as you can imagine contained a lot of dodgy people. It was overall bad (well in my eyes I thought so anyway), there was no local shops in the area, well unless you count the local corner shop, but really there was nothing but the grey pavement which cut through the neighbourhood and lead to nothing but an empty park yet there is one good thing about my neighbourhood and that is the bus. It happens to stop right outside my house. I sat outside my house waiting for it, the cold air stroked my pale face and I began to shiver, I check my pocket to see if I had my bus pass, I search both pockets, "oh fuck! Not again" I had forgotten it. I sat there waiting for my bus with both my arms crossed and wrapped around me, I began contemplating whether or not the bus driver will let me on or not, the thought must of passed my mind more than hundred times by now, it was begging to make me feel anxious I began shaking my knees and biting my nails, I began also to think about how I'm going to cope another week without having my mum around and only £5
in my pocket, even if my mum was around she probably wouldn't be much help anyway, she only sits down all day drinking alcohol and inviting random men into the house, and it's always someone new. One week it would be a guy called Tom the next someone called Ryan and the next someone else. I honestly worry so much about her and what she gets up to nowadays. Last month I came home from school only to find her lying on the floor with blood on her face, she looked into my deep blue eyes and whispered "don't worry I'll be fine" this was when I knew that not all the men treat her nicely the man had smacked her in the face, leaving her with the red mark across her face. Even though she hates me and doesn't care, I still want to love her and cherish her as I love her so much and that's why I want to take care of her. Her being away isn't much help either, as it left me worrying about what on earth she could be getting up to.
It had been around 20 minuets now and the bus still hadn't arrived - I was begging to panic even more.
I started to think about the night before, which I regret doing as it brought back so many memories form the night before, which were not all positive. I thought about the man I spoke to at the party and how he was offering me this yellow powder, I honestly cannot remember if I took it or not, or what it even was. I was so pissed at the time fuck knows what happened. Eventually the bus arrived, thankfully the driver let me on after saying that I must not forget my bus pass again, I sat near the back of the bus and waited for it to take me back to Charlotte's house.
As my journey continued, fragments of the night before began to pop into my head again, I was slowly starting to remember the events that took place. I remember that I did take this yellow powder from a man, he gave it to me in a small packet about the size of my palm. I left it somewhere at home, fuck I wonder where it could've gone, I don't even know what it is or what it does. Anyway, I'll look for it later. **buzz buzz** I reach down my pocket and scroll through the messages on my phone one of them was from Charlotte, it read "Hurry up Tilly your gonna be late, how long does it take you?". I sigh and then just as I go to call Charlotte, I see a new number that wasn't on phone before, maybe someone stole my phone and put it in whilst I wasn't looking, and right next to it was the name Harper, I accidentally press call "Shit" I mutter underneath my breath. Before I can end the call he answers "Hello, who is this?" a sharp voice commanded from over the phone.
"Um..." I stutter. My hand begins to shake, "I'm sorry, I called by accident" I blurt out.
There was a short pause before he responded by saying "I recognise your voice, were you at the party last night?
Answer me yes or no?" My legs tremble and both of my hands carry on shaking more violently then they were before, I truly didn't know what to say, I tilt my head for a split second to look out of the window only to see that I'm like ten seconds away from Charlotte's house. I panic and freeze, "Hey, don't you dare blank me, hello hello" the man said with a deep tone of frustration.
I end the call, and get off the bus. Thank God, I'm at Charlotte's house now.

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