Thank fuck for that

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Next lesson was geography, it went ok as Charlotte is in my class, but she doesn't sit next to me, as we have assigned seating, so she sits across the room.
Margret is also in my class however she sits at the other end of the class so she doesn't bother coming over, and Margret wouldn't dare lay a finger on me as she knows that Charlotte is here to protect me. I also felt much more relaxed with Charlotte in the room and I knew she would protect me if
anything happened.
The lesson was rather boring we were studying rocks, and we had to fill out an eight page booklet on rocks; it was pointless, and an utter waste of time well I thought so anyway. All I kept on thinking about was how I was going to run out of the classroom the second it finishes.
Time soon passed and the lesson was almost finished, we were then given our homework which included another eight page booklet to complete and two separate sheets. I looked at the sheets, they made me feel faint, I hated homework so much but not just like the ordinary person I mean like really, really hated it. I just couldn't cope with the stress of it, not only was I unsure on how to do it most of the time, but I can't stand the pressure of handing it in on time.
The lesson was nearly finished. Charlotte turned over to me and nodded her head as if to ask if I was ready I nodded in response.

**Bell rings to indicate end of class**

As soon as it rings I lean out of my chair and rapidly speed across the room, Charlotte just behind me, we dash down the hall together and make it to the back exit. I tilt my head around to see if anyone is there, nobody is so I nod my head at Charlotte and we both make our way out of the exit. We sprinted down to the car park but at times had to hide behind cars incase someone saw us. After this we got into the car and quickly drove out praying that nobody would see us and they didn't.
As soon as we got out Charlotte exceeded the speed limit and we were now on our way to Elgrove Park. "So Just why are we going to the park again Tilly?" Questioned Charlotte well you know that party we went to last week. Charlotte responded quickly and said "The one where I was were so pissed and began speaking to a random guy"
"Yes, that one"
"Oh I remember now, carry on" said Charlotte. "Well, that random man was a drug dealer"
"What the fuck!" Piped Charlotte in surprise.
"And I somehow managed to get his drugs on me, and now he wants it back".
"God! Tilly you didn't tell me he was a drug dealer he might try and kill you."
"I know" I said lacking comfort in my voice.
Eventually, we make it to the park we both see two people in the distance. We knew it was them as they were by the river. "Right I'm going over there, can't wait to finally get this over and done with" I proclaim.
"Not with out me you ain't going nowhere, I need to protect you what happens if they pull out a knife out or something"
"Ok, ok you can come!" Just as we begin to walk over Charlotte lunged her arm across my chest to stop me.
"WAIT!" She shouted "We've got to take our blazers off (as they had our school logo on) or they'll be able to track us and might start stalking us"
We both chuck our blazers back in the car and walk up to them.
As, we walked up to them we both knew that we had to act confident which wasn't a problem for Charlotte as she was always confident. But it was for me. I try and make myself look confident by raising my chest up and raising my head up slightly.
Soon we got there and the man was there with the woman, I guessed that the woman was the one who spoke to me over the phone but I wasn't sure. The man didn't look friendly "Where is my shit!" He proclaimed loudly. I gave it to him "There you go, now take it and leave me alone" I said trying to find some sort of authority in my voice.
The man paused for moment smirked and then walked off with the woman by his side. After this, me and Charlotte sprinted back to car and got ready again; we put our blazers on again and I put my hair back up in my ponytail. Charlotte then stared the car and began our way back to school. Eventually, we arrived back at school, we parked the car and tried to make it back into school, this time there were more teachers so it was more challenging than before however we overcame this and managed to make it right back into school, and as we stepped foot into the school building the bell went off we just made it in time.
"Thank fuck for that" said Charlotte with joy in her voice, we both made our way off to our last lesson of the day. Soon it finished and I was leavening school with all the other kids from school. Then, I saw Charlotte skipping towards me "Hey, Tilly wanna come back to mine after school" she piped. Before I could respond, I was rudely interrupted by Margret's ignorant friends "Hi, pussy face" said one of them the other snorted like a pig.
"Fuck you, leave her alone you spastics!" Screeched Charlotte in defence. They immediately walk away as if they were disgusted I gasp in shock am I really that disturbing to them I thought. "Just ignore them Tilly there dick heads" preached Charlotte "I-I try to but-" I try to say before I am cut off
"No, do not WORRY I'm here to protect you just ignore them, nobody will call you that again I promise, I'll sort them out, I'll teach those ignorant pricks a lesson" said Charlotte with fury as she scrunched up her fists in her hand as if she was ready to punch someone. I place my hand on her shoulder "Don't worry I'm fine" I mutter with a fake confidence knowing that what I had just said wasn't true and I am truly offended, I just don't want Charlotte to get mad at me, she does enough for me already I don't want her to start getting annoyed of me and my constant problems. "Ok, but tell me if they ever do anything like that to you again" demanded Charlotte as if she was the mother and I was the child.
I nod my head in agreement, however I already knew that I couldn't keep such a promise.

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